How you make up after fights...

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💚Izuku Midoriya💚

He felt really bad after you said that. And the worst part was that you were right. He realised that he wasn't spending time with you. But he only knew one thing, that he loved you more than anything else. He quickly made his way to your dorm. He could hear you cry loudly inside your dorm. His heart clenched. He knocked on your door. He just heard a faint 'go away'. He didn't listen and walked inside. He saw you sitting on the floor, you hugging your knees and crying loudly. He went to you and knelt in front of you. You looked at him and pushed him away.

'Go away.' You said. He hugged you. You tried all ways to push him off of you. You kept banging on his chest but no avail. He just held you tightly with tears streaming down his face too.

'I'm so sorry Y/N. I gave someone else more attention rather than you. I know I made a big mistake. I didn't know what I did wrong until I saw those tears stream down your beautiful face. I love you so much. I feel like an idiot for hurting you. Please, forgive me. I'll never hurt you again. I love you so much. Please?' He says and you cry even more. You nod and he sighs. He kisses you lightly and you both cuddle all night.

🧡Katsuki Bakugo🧡

He felt worst than he was already feeling. He hurt you. The last thing on earth he thought he would do. He wasn't very good at this comforting thing and he knew that. But he still went to your dorm. He heard some muffled sobs and it broke his heart. He regretted hurting you. He didn't bother knocking, he just barged in. He saw you on the bed, your face covered with your pillow as you softly cried. He felt so guilty. You didn't even bother looking who barged in your room. Suddenly the wind blew, your window was open. The smell of caramel got you to remove your pillow from your face. You saw Katsuki standing there, in his gym clothes. He knelt down in front of your bed and caressed your cheek with his thumb.

'I'm sorry Y/N. I was such a fool for allowing my anger to get the best of me. I never knew this singular act would cost me this pain. I feel so down right now. Please forgive me. I-I... you know I'm not good at this comforting and sorry things. But I will do it again and again for you. Because you matter to me the most. I'm... sorry.' He said. He took your wrist which he burnt and kissed the burnt place. You softly smile seeing your boyfriend get all softy. You opened your blanket for him to get in. His eyes widened at the gesture you made. You rolled your eyes.

'I can't be mad at the *sniff* love of my life *sniff* forever. And besides *sniff* you're being soft. That's *sniff* a rare thing Just promise me you will never do it again.' You said. He slightly smiled.

'I promise.' He said. You smiled at him.

He got in with you and held you tight.

'I love you soo much.' You said.

'I love you too dumbass.' He said.

💙Shoto Todoroki💙

He felt bad for taking his anger out on you. You were just trying to help him. You were always there for him, but he just pushed you away. He went to your dorm but you weren't there. He checked in the common room but you weren't there. He sorta panicked. He turned around and bumped in Momo. She looked at him angrily.

'Where's Y/N?' He asked sighing. She exhaled trying to control her anger.

'She's in my room.' She said. Shoto nodded and started going to her room. He knocked o the door and heard a faint 'come in'. He went in and saw you on the bed laying on the bed looking heart broken.

'Am I not interrupting your personal space now?' You say looking at him. He sighs.

'I'm sorry Y/N. I was just having a fight with my dad and he just.. I'm really for saying that. I didn't mean it. I love it when you're always there for me. You're the only person who does that and I love it.' He says. You get up and hug him.

'You hurt my feeling.' You say as he hugs you back.

'I know. It made me feel worse. I promise to never do that again.' He says. You nod and hug him tightly.

❤️Eijiro Kirishima❤️

You told everything to Mina and she told everything to him. He felt stupid for not knowing that. You've been ignoring him for 2 days and he couldn't understand why. When Mina told him all that, he put the pieces together and finally understood why. He ran to your dorm and didn't bother knocking. He just barged in. He saw you folding your clothes while looking depressed.

'Y/N!' He yelled at you making you flinch.

'What are you doing here?' You say calmly.

'You didn't hear the whole thing.' He said. You were confused.

'What?' You ask putting down your clothes.

"You didn't hear what I said after that. You just heard the 'I ask myself that everyday' part right?" He said. You nod remembering that scene.

'I said something after that, that you didn't hear.' He said.

'R-Really?' You ask. Hoping that it was something good.

"I said 'And I get the answer that I just don't like you, I love you. I love everything about you.' that's what I said about you and I meant it." He says and your eyes widened. You immediately drop everything and hug him tightly. He hugs you back and rests his chin on your shoulder.

'God I feel so stupid. I'm really sorry that I ignored you. I didn't hear it. It was my fault. I feel so-'

'Hey hey hey. It's okay. I'm just glad that everything's fine now.' He says and you nod. You both hug each other tightly and cuddle all day.

💛Denki Kaminari💛

Denki was acting that way because you were talking to the 1-B boys and you got too comfortable. He thought you were flirting with them, but the truth was you were there to gather their secrets about what they were doing for halloween. Aizawa sensei knew that you could do this the best so he sent you. None of your classmates knew that so Denki just assumed that you were flirting with them. He started flirting with other girl to show you how it felt to him when you flirted with them.

You found Denki flirting with another girl so you snatched him away and confronted him. He just told you the truth and you laughed at how he just assumed things.

'What's so damn funny!?' He asked.

'I... I wasn't flirting with them baka. I was gathering information..... from them about what they were doing for the.... halloween thingy so that we could be better...... than them. Aizawa sensei kept...... it a secret from all of you because he knew you....... would blow it up. You know my quirk so that's why........ I was TALKING to them.' You explained in between laughters. He just stood there. It took him sometime to process what you just said being the adorable baka pikachu he is. He understood and apologised to you. You both exchanged hugs and kisses all day.

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