Class 1A x [they] Reader - Traitor

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(The plot isn't mine. My friend gave me this idea and I just changed the story a little.)

wAnRiNg: YoU DiE! 

And strong language. 

3rd Person's P.O.V

Rumours got around that you were the traitor. You walked down the hallways with glares and hatefulness following you everywhere. Your parents were villains. But you weren't like them. You wanted to save people, you wanted to see people smile. You wanted to save the world. Even the teachers despised you. You were bullied everyday by your own classmates. For example,

Tears fell from your eyes as they cracked an egg on your head. Then poured flour all over your head.

'Ha! This is what you get for being the fucking traitor.' Bakugo laughed as everyone joined. No one knew that you weren't the traitor. Bakugo was your best friend. You two were together since kinder-garden. You had a huge crush on him. He does too. But this thing.

'Its.. not.. me.' You whispered even though no one was gonna believe you.

'Why don't you die? No one even need you here bitch.' Momo said. You cried even more. 

All of them went to the class laughing and throwing things at you.

'You are gonna regret that.' You said thinking no one heard. But Kirishima did. He just rolled his eyes and smirked. 

You freshened up and went to the class. You opened the door and all eyes turned at you.

'Oh look. It's the traitor.' Someone said.

'How hasn't they been expelled till now?'

'Why the hell do I have to deal with all the morons?' Aizawa sensei said. You used to be Aizawa'a favourite child but then this happened.

You felt a pain in your chest. You ran out of the class and ran wherever your feet were taking you. You cried while running. You stopped when you saw a wall in front of you. You looked up to see that you were on the terrace. You thought that it would be worth it. No one would care right? All them wanted me dead. You stepped up on the railing as you looked down with teary eyes. They all would be happy right? You didn't think twice. 


'Hello Class 1-A.' Nezu said with a very sad expression while entering the class. Everyone stood up and greeted him.

'What is it Principle Nezu?' Aizawa asked with a bored expression.

'Oh um is [Name] here?' He asked. Everyone laughed and Aizawa rolled his eyes.

'No.' He answered. 

'Are they finally getting expelled?' Bakugo snickered from behind as everyone joined.

'No. Quite the opposite actually.' Nezu said. 

'What is it?!' Aizawa asked getting impatient. 

'The rumours were false. They aren't the traitor.' Nezu said as everyone's eyes widened.

Just as he said that, they heard a loud thud from outside. They looked at each other and ran outside including Aizawa. They reached the ground and saw your body with a pool of blood by your head.

'Y/N!!!!!' Mina yelled as they ran to your body. They all kneeled down to your body as saw you smiling.

'Its... okay. Your... wishes.... came true.' You said as your eyes shut and your body went limp.

Everyone's eyes widened as they froze. Aizawa quickly took you in his arms and carried you to the hospital. In fact, they all ran. 

'Please child, stay awake.' Aizawa pleaded as for once, he was wide awake. 

Everyone pleaded that you were alive. That they didn't kill you. How could have they believed the rumours? How stupid are they. Everyone had little tears in their eyes as you were taken away on the stretcher. 

'Shit..' Todoroki said. 

'We shouldn't have believed the rumour.' Deku said as he cried. 

'When we were leaving they did say that we were gonna regret this all. When we were in the classroom this morning.' Kirishima said crying.

'Fuck..' Bakugo said as he ran his hand through his hair. He loved you. Everyone did.

After 2 hours of waiting, the doctors finally came out. Everyone stood up as they wished that you were still alive. The doctors and nurses looked at each other then gave them a sad smile. 

'Sorry. They're dead. We did everything we could. We're sorry.' The doctors said as they went away. 

Everyone's eyes widened. Their breaths started getting heavy as tears formed in their eyes. They killed you. They were the reason why you were dead. They told you to die. They betrayed their friend. 

'No..' Aizawa muttered as he collapsed on the ground. You and him sure did make very amazing memories. Even he made you feel worthless. He was a part of your death.

'NOO!!!! [NAME]!!' Bakugo yelled as tears fell down his eyes. He lost you. They lost you.

'YOU FUCKING MORONS!' A voice came from behind them. They knew exactly whose voice was that and they were actually scared.


She was the one who raised you after you villain parents tried to kill you because you wanted to be a hero. She was basically your second mom. She protected you, she loved you, she was the one who supported you through all that. She knew your deepest secrets and she knew you weren't the traitor. 

'WHERE ARE THEY?! WHERE IS MY CHILD?!' Midnight yelled at them as she bawled her eyes out. 

She punched Bakugo and Aizawa.

'TELL ME WHERE ARE THEY!' She yelled as All might wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her backwards so she couldn't do anything else.

'Dead.' Aizawa muttered while looking at the ground.

Midnight's and All might's eyes widened. His grip loosened as Midnight collapsed on the ground. All might was looking at them in pure horror.

'No... No no no! They can't be dead. They're fucking strong. They won't be dead.' Midnight shook her head as she shook her head rapidly. 

Aizawa came to her and kneeled down in front of her. He was going to hug her when she pushed him off of her.

'GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MURDERERS.' She yelled. They froze from the name she gave them.

'They trusted you all! They just wanted to be loved! They just wanted a normal life! They begged you to believe them but you assholes had to believe those fucking rumours. I wish that all of you burn in fucking hell.' Midnight yelled as she was taken away by All Might who gave them a look of disgust.

They all were blamed for your death. Word spread apart and everyone felt bad for you. No one even cared who the real traitor was now. They lost the only sun in their class. They lost the prettiest smile, the most joyful eyes, the most energetic person, the most cool-headed, the strongest, the one who cared for them. They lost you.

Why are they sad? Shouldn't they be happy?

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