I missed you | Dabi x female reader

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Backstory: You and Touya(aka Dabi) were best friends since birth. You did everything together, you were inseparable. You loved him a lot. Romantically too. You both had a dream of becoming heroes. Then suddenly when you were 12, you got the news that you can't meet him anymore, nor talk to him. You didn't talk for 2 years. Then Fuyumi calls you and tells you that he was dead. You didn't believe it and since then, you couldn't move on. Currently, you and Dabi are 19. You meet Dabi and he recognises you but you don't. You tell him about your life problems sitting in a bar.)

3rd person's P.O.V

You were sitting in a bar drinking f/d (favourite drink). You were thinking about Touya. Your best friend, the one whom you couldn't move on from you. You were thinking about him when you hear someone sit next to you. You look at the person and he was an interesting guy. He had staples all over his body. Like his skin was patched up. His purple skin was stapled to his normal one. He had black hair and turquoise eyes, like... Touya. 

You look away realising you've been staring for too long. The man looks at you and his eyes widened. Y/N.. he thinks. The same h/c (hair colour) hair, the same e/c (eye colour) eyes, the same face. He becomes happy and wanted to talk to you but he figured that you won't recognise him. But he still wanted a conversation. He sees you drinking and chuckles. You furrowed your eyebrows and look at him.

'Something funny?' You ask raising an eyebrow. The same honey voice, he thinks.

'Nope, just that you look miserable.' He says. You huff.

'Maybe I am.' You say as he orders himself a drink.

'Mind sharing?' He asks.

'You are a stranger. I'm not that drunk that I'll trust a stranger.' You say. He shakes his head and puts a hand in front of you.

'I'm Dabi.' He says. You shake his hand and nod.

'Hi I'm Y/N.' You say confirming his doubt. He tells you about his day.

'Well my day was crappy. I've been in love with a girl for so long, now she thinks I'm dead.' He says. You raise an eyebrow.

'Really? Kinda same with mine, it's just that the guy is dead.' You say. His eyes widened. You loved him? he thinks.

'Y-You loved the guy?' He asks amazed.

'Yeah, and the worst part is I still love him and I can't move on.' You say telling the truth. He nods. A million thoughts in his mind.

'What was he like?' He asks you. You chuckle at the memory of him.

'He was... the most amazing person anyone could ask for. He was my best friend. He was always there for me. We did everything together. We were inseparable. There wasn't one thing we hid from each other. We both were protective of each other. Until one day, his asshole of a father did I don't know what. I didn't meet him for 2 years either hear his voice. T-then his family gives me the news that he was dead.' You say with tears in your eyes. You tell him a little more about your memories with Touya. He just looks at you, listening to every word you say about him. 

He was so happy when you mentioned that you loved him romantically too. 

'You know you have eyes like him.' You say. 

'Really?' He asks and you nod. You look in his eyes and wander off in there. Your eyes widened, thinking that it was Touya. You quickly back off a little. He frowned confused.

'W-What's your q-quirk?' You ask him. He smirks a little.

'Blue fire.' He says. You completely froze. His eyes, the quirk. But the hair and the skin a-and... no no no this can't be true.

'Touya?..' You whispered. He smiles.

'Hi Y/N.' He says. Your eyes grew wide as he gets up from his seat. Without hesitation you jump on him hugging him. You wrap your legs around his waist and wrap your hands around his neck. He stumbles a little over the stool. The rest of the bar people look at you both. He mutters a quick sorry and pays for the drinks. He takes you outside with you still in his arms. He hugs you back tightly. You start sobbing, your tears on his shirt.

'W-What happened to you?' You ask resting your head on his shoulder. 

'Maybe I'll tell you if you get off of me and let me breathe.' He says chuckling. You shake your head.

'You left me for too long, I'm not letting you go now.' You say. He rubs circles in your back. Your cries turned into sobs. You finally get off of him. He smiles at you. You punched him in his chest.

'You bastard. *punch* why did *punch* leave me alone *punch* do you have any *punch* idea how much *punch* it hurt me!?' You shout at him still punching him. But he doesn't budge. You grabs your hand and pulls you into another hug.

'I know darling I know. I really wish that I could meet you sooner but I... I couldn't for some reason-'

'Oh so we're keeping secrets?' You interrupt him chuckling. He soon laughs with you. You sit down on the park bench and talk about everything you've missed throughout the years. You talked for hours without getting bored.

'So... you love me?' He asks. You blush and look at the sky. The stars look so amazing.

'Well.. yeah I do. I love you Touya. I really do.' You say looking into his turquoise eyes. You put your hand behind his neck and rest his forehead against yours.

'I love you too. You have no idea how much I missed you.' He says putting a hand on your cheek.

'Believe me I know.' You say. He pulls you into a passionate kiss. Everything seemed right in the moment. You wished this could be forever. You wished that you could just stop time right here. You and him under the dark sky. The moon and stars lighting it up. You safely in his arms as you talk about everything... You only wish...

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