When you walk in on him changing..

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💚Izuku Midoriya💚

It was after training when everyone was gone and you were being held by Aizawa sensei because he wanted to tell you something about your attacks. You listened to him and then wanted to go to Izuku's dorm for cuddling and stealing his hoodies. You usually knocked but today you were tired so you forgot. You just opened the door and he was standing there in his boxers. Your eyes widened but you still checked out his whole body. His abs, his biceps, his thighs. He looked at the sudden noise and saw you checking you out. His eyes widened and his face was redder than Kirishima's hair. He quickly put a shirt on while you were still staring at him. He slightly chuckled.

'Hey?' He says and you shook out of your trance. You blushed and looked away. You went straight for his bed. He laughed seeing you walk like a zombie. He gave you his hoodie and you quickly got changed and freshened up in his bathroom. 

🧡Katsuki Bakugo🧡

You were really mad at Denki and Sero for pulling such a lame prank on you. They filled your room with helium balloons. Like your WHOLE room. You went to Katsuki's dorm to have a uninvited sleepover as you knew he wouldn't mind. You barged in his room and saw him without a shirt. He was standing there with just sweatpants on and his abs were showing. You stared at them and you didn't notice him staring at you. 

'Enjoying the view Y/N?' He says pulling you out of your trance. You shook your head and went in for a hug. He smiled and hugged you back.

'What happened?' He asked. You told him about the prank and I swear he was trying so hard not to laugh on that. You guys cuddled and he teased you for days about how your face was when you saw him without a shirt.

💙Shoto Todoroki💙

You couldn't sleep at night. You were having nightmares so you thought it would be best to go to your boyfriend's dorm as he comforts you. You thought he would be sleeping so you didn't knock. You just opened the door and went in. Your eyes widened when you saw him without a shirt finding something in his closet. You exhaled. He looked at you and frowned.

'Another nightmare?' He asked. You nodded.

'Well then come on.' He says opening his arms for you.

'P-Put a shirt o-on.' You say looking away. He chuckles and put a shirt on. You jump on him almost making him fall. You both slept on his bed peacefully.

❤️Eijiro Kirishima❤️

You and Kiri had to go to the gym 10 minutes ago but he didn't show up. You thought he must still be asleep. You sighed and headed for his dorms. You bumped into Bakugo on the way as their dorms were right next to each other. He was still a little sleepy so he didn't bark or something. You knocked on kiri's door but no one answered. You went in and saw no one. You thought he must be in the bathroom getting ready. You made yourself comfortable on his bed and started playing games on his phone. You were playing when you heard the door open. You looked at his way and saw him with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes widened as you hid yourself under his blanket. You heard him chuckle.

'It is not funny!' You shout at him.

'Well I didn't know you were in here.' He says. You sigh and kept hiding until he was done. He said he was done and you put away the blanket and saw him. Now he was completely dressed. He kissed you on the forehead and then you guys went for training.

💛Denki Kaminari💛

You were angry that Denki had taken back his yellow jumper. You loved that jumper! How could he take that back!? You angrily went to his room and barged in. You were about to shout at him but then both of your eyes widened. Denki was in his boxers. You quickly turned around and closed the door. Even though you've dating for a month, you still... well nevermind. Denki teased you all night about how flustered you looked when you saw him almost naked, you blushed everytime. 

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