Dad! Hawks x Dad! Dabi x daughter reader

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You call Hawks, papa and you call Dabi, Dad. Both of them adopted you when you were 3 years old. Your quirk is white wings and you are 16 years old in this. You are in 1-A UA. And in this Dabi isn't a villain but a hero like Hawks. (I ship both of them!)

3rd Person's P.O.V

Hawks, Dabi and you were having a fight. Fights were normal between three of you, but this seemed a bigger one. You fought with one of the girls in 1-C because she was bullying you. You beat her up and said some very bad things to her which you didn't mean to say. Hawks and Dabi were very mad at you for saying those things. Bakugo helped you in the fight. You've had a huge crush on him since the first time you met each other. Only Rei knows about it.

'Why are you- what has gotten into you?! It was just a bloody fight which she started!!' You yelled at the two angry parents in front of you. Dabi was more like angry-proud but he was still mad.

'That doesn't mean you will break her bones and insult her whole family!' Hawks yelled at you. This fight continued for 15 minutes.


'DAMN RIGHT. I REALLY WISH WE JUST LEFT YOU THERE AND ADOPTED SOMEONE BETTER THAN YOU!' Hawks agreed with him. Your eyes widened. Your anger dropped and you froze. As soon as they realised what they said, their eyes widened too. Never in your life with them, they said that to you. You felt pain. They told you that they adopted you and you were fine with that. But this... Hawks and Dabi looked at each other as guilt washed all over their faces. 

'Y/N I-' Dabi tried to say something but you ran to your room crying. You locked the door and slid down crying while hugging your knees. You felt so bad. Did they really regret adopting you? Why would they say that? You thought while crying your heart out. Hawks dropped to his knees and tears were streaming down his face too. Dabi was too shocked and guilty to say anything.

'Shit. Why would we say that?!' Hawks said while crying. Dabi ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Meanwhile, you lay on your bed and hid in the blankets still crying. Dabi went to your room slowly. He heard muffled sobs that broke his heart. He put his hand on the door and rested his forehead against the door.

'Munchkin, please open the door. We're sorry we didn't mean that. We're really sorry. Just please open the door.' He pleaded you. He felt so bad. He never meant to say that to you. He didn't regret adopting you. Ever since, you came in their lives they have been so happy. Soon Hawks joined too. They banged on your door.

'Please birdie open the door.' He said holding back his tears. They just heard a faint 'go away'. That broke their heart. For the rest of the day you didn't open the door or talk to anyone. You didn't even eat or drink anything. You had a bottle in your room but no food. No matter how many times they tried, you wouldn't let them in or talk to them. Hawks and Dabi were getting worried now. 

'Should we call someone?' Dabi suggested. Hawks looked at him and nodded.

'How about your mom?' Hawks suggested. You had an amazing relationship with Rei. They called her and explained the situation once she got here. She sighed and scolded both of them or being so idiotic. She took the food tray and knocked at your door.

'Y/N honey, it's me, Rei. Please open the door.' She said. You sniffled and decided to open the door for her because you needed someone other than your parents right now. You got up and opened the door. You saw Rei looking at you horrified. Your face was red, your eyes were swollen and blood-shot red. Your hair was a mess and your lips were chapped. She came in and you saw both your parents looking at you guilty. You looked away and closed the door.

'She looks horrible. What did we do!' Dabi said sighing. They felt so bad for saying those things to you. They let anger take the best of them. 

Rei sat down at you bed and you hugged her. You cried even more and she rocked you back and forth to calm to down. You cried while she patted your hair and shushed you.

'Shhh it's okay baby, they didn't mean it.' She kept on repeating. After sometime, you calmed down and she sighed. She looked at you face and took your face in her hands.

'I know what happened. I know what they said. They didn't mean it okay? They just let anger take the best of them. They love you so much and trust me I know. All Touya talks about when he's with me is you. About how you were so happy when you got your quirk. How you said I love you continuously to them when you got comfortable with them. How you played with his scars and pressed it harder so he would squeal like an idiot. How you would steal Keigo's nuggets and pretend like you didn't eat them. They love you so much. Ever since you came into their lives, they have never been happier. I know what they said was wrong, but they didn't mean it. Please forgive them.' She said smiling. You chuckled a little while remembering those memories. You nodded and sniffled.

'Yeah. I'll forgive them only because I love them too much.' You said pouting like a child. Rei chuckled and shook her head.

'Now freshen up a bit, you look horrible.' She said shooing you towards the bathroom. You laughed and went in the bathroom. You washed your face and took a nice shower. You changed into some clean clothes and came outside. You saw that your bedroom door was open. You took a deep breath and went outside. Hawks and Dabi were sitting on the sofa waiting for you. They both were so happy when Rei told them that you agreed to forgive them. You went outside and they noticed you coming out. They quickly stood up and Hawks engulfed you into a bear hug.

'We *sniff* are so sorry *sniff* birdie.' Hawks said crying a little. You patted his back and pulled away. You ran to Dabi and jumped on him. He caught you but stumbled a little. You rested your head on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry munchkin.' He said patting your back.

'It's okay both of you.' You said getting down. You saw that Rei had already left. You all made up and ate dinner together like a happy family.

'By the way, who's this Bakugo kid?' Dabi asked you. You choked on your food.

'DAD!' You shouted at him. 

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