Eijiro Kirishima x reader.

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(You both are in a relationship.)

Kirishima and you hadn't been talking lately. You both had an argument. He had been spending time with other girls a lot. You didn't mind, because you trusted him. But when you saw him holding hands with others girls and making them sit of his lap, that broke your heart. You confronted him about it.

'Why... Why do you keep doing this?' You asked with tears in your eyes.

'What do you mean?' He asked rolling his eyes.

'You make them sit on your lap, you hold hands with them. You wouldn't show that much affection with them. You haven't been talking to me since the last week.' You said tears rolling down your eyes. He sighed.

'Why the fuck are you so insecure? I told you it was nothing.' He said shoving his hands inside his pockets. Anger erupted inside you.

'I am insecure because they are a thousand times better than me! She's so much prettier than me, thinner than me, smarter than me, confident than me, better than me! Why wouldn't I be insecure?! You hold their hands, you make them sit on your lap, you make her feel like a total princess while you make your own girlfriend feel like trash. Do you know how much it hurts me to see you with her? Do you know how much YOU hurt me? Do you know how much my heart is broken because of you? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?!' You shouted at him in the middle of the common room.

Everyone gathered around as Kirishima's eyes widened. He never really thought of you as his girlfriend, he had a crush on you but lately it seemed like he doesn't. He only calls you when he needs sex or when no one is with him. He never treats you like he treats them.

'Pebble I-'

'Don't call me that..' You softly said as you broke down crying. You knees gave in and you fell to the ground crying. You cried loudly as everyone watched Kirishima staring at the window behind you.

'You have no idea... how much you hurt me. You have no idea how much I love you. You have no idea what I go through on a daily basis. You have no idea how much my heart breaks seeing you with other girls. You have no idea how much it hurts that I still love you after everything that you did to me.' You said crying. He felt guilty, he never meant to make you feel that way. 

You laughing caught everyone's attention. They were confused why you were laughing.

'I don't deserve you. No why would I? You are so much handsome, every girl practically drools over you. You have everything a guy could ask for. And me? Who am I to be with you? A nobody? A trash, bitch, slut, whore... Everything they said was true.' You said as you ran to your room crying. 

Everyone just stood there surprised about what you said. Even Bakugo was standing there with his eyes wide. Momo came forward and slapped Kirishima hard in the face. 

'She just wants to be loved. You know about her past. All she did was to love you. All she wanted was for you to love her. All she wanted was for you to give her the attention she needs. But you... You are an absolute asshole. You are the one who doesn't deserve her.' Momo scoffed and went to your dorm. 

He stood there shocked from what just happened. He felt this pain in his heart when he saw you cry. He thought about his feelings. Whenever he saw you he would have this weird butterfly feelings in his stomach. Whenever you smiled even his heart would do flips. You presence alone could make him smile. He would do those things with other girls so that he could ignore those feelings for you. He just realised something.... He loves YOU. His eyes widened.

You were in your room crying your eyes out. You had a sharp pain in your heart. You went to your bathroom. You saw a blade on the bathroom counter. You took it in your hands and slid down the wall opposite through the door. If you did this, everyone would be happy right? No one would care if you died. You stared at it for a while before you pressed it against your wrist. You cried softly as you slid it against your skin. You slid it again. You saw the blood pooling out of your skin. You smiled softly as everything went black. 'Finally' you whispered.

Momo knocked on your door. No one answered, she grew worried. She opened the door and went inside. She saw no one inside. She panicked and opened the bathroom. Her eyes grew wide. She screamed on the top of her lungs.

Kirishima was gonna go back when he heard Momo's scream. He remembered she had gone to your dorm. He ran as fast as he could. He reached your dorm and burst through the door. He saw the bathroom door open and went inside. He saw Momo crying and wrapping a bandage around your arm. You head lay in her lap as your eyes were closed.

'WHAT HAPPENED?!' He screamed kneeling in front of your limp body. She sniffled.

'I saw her like this when I came in the door. She has a major blood loss. We have to take her to the hospital.' She said. 

Kirishima had tears in your eyes once he saw that you weren't moving. Tears spilled from his eyes as he carried you bridal style and out of the dorm. Momo told everyone and Aizawa sensei what happened. Kirishima carried your limp body to the hospital.

'Baby please stay awake. Please don't leave me. Pleasee. I'm sorry.' Kirishima pleaded as more tears spilled from his eyes. 

The car reached the hospital and he immediately got out and ran inside the hospital. He shouted for the doctors to help you. They took you inside the operation room and told him to wait outside. Everyone joined Kirishima as they waited for the doctors to come out. After sometime the doctors came out and smiled at them. 

'She's going to be okay. She just has a little blood loss. She's awake if you wanna see her.' The doctor said. Kirishima went in. Aizawa sensei stopped everyone else and told them to give you both some time alone.

Kirishima went in and saw you laying on the bed. A single tear rolling from your eyes. You sniffled as you turned your head as you felt presence in the room. You saw him and your eyes widened. He sat down beside your bed on a stool and held your hand in his. You let him.

'What I really want to say is that I'm sorry, I know that you didn't deserve to be hurt like that, and I know that you will find someone who will love you and treat you right, they will make you happy and that person won't hurt you like I did. I know you won't but here I am asking for forgiveness. I know I made a terrible mistake, and that you probably don't want to see my face again, but truth is, I love you. I love you more than I could possibly ever love anything else. I am so freaking sorry. I won't hurt you anymore. I'm so sorry pebble.' He said tears in his eyes. You cried too.

'I love you too. And I forgive you.' You said as he smiled. He kissed you passionately and smiled. 

'Thank you pebble.' He said. You smiled.



Sowey for any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

You deserve to live. And more than that, you deserve to thrive. To smile. To laugh. To fly. And you deserve a life that is long and meaningful, a life without regrets and a life with lots and lots of love. I know you're struggling. You feel like you aren't worth it. Like you aren't worth a happy life. A life that will bring you meaning. A life that will bring you joy. I know you think you don't deserve this. You think don't deserve to smile. You think you don't deserve to have a heart beat. I know you are in a great deal of pain. You don't want to be sad anymore. You don't want to feel like this. You don't want to keep crying every single night. You don't want this to feel this void in your heart and in your soul. And I know you're thinking, anything is better than feeling like this. I know you want to give up. You're thinking to yourself that this isn't worth it. That this pain and this sadness will never go away. I know you want to just end it. You want everything to go away. You want to sleep forever.

You are beautiful, whether you believe that or not. And you are the only you in the universe. So please don't ever think that you are nothing. Please don't ever believe that you don't deserve to live. Because you do. You need to keep living and breathing and climbing. You deserve to live, to smile, to laugh. to feel happiness.

So please, if you are going through something and you have no one. Believe me, I will be more than happy if you would talk to me about your problem. I'll be here for you and you don't have to go through that again. Stay safe please <3

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