Dabi x child reader!

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(In this story you are 4 years old and your quirk is purple flames.)

3rd Person's P.O.V

The League adopted you. Dabi had killed your parents and you were just 3 years old at that time. So he just took you to The League. First you were scared of them but soon you warmed upto Dabi and a little to the rest of the member. Not gonna lie, Shigaraki hated you at first. So did the rest of the League except Dabi and Toga. Soon they got used to you and now they don't try to kill you when Dabi's not around. You got your quirk, purple flames and Dabi had a little happy feeling that you were also like him. He swore that he wouldn't treat you like how his father did to him. 

You were a lot scared when you got your quirk, but the help of Dabi, you were fine. You were still learning how to control your quirk. You and Dabi got a lot close between this period and he treats you like his own daughter and you were happy that you have someone like a father again. You were getting bored alone in the room so you decided to train a little with the help of Dabi. You got up and went to the bar where he usually was. You went and looked for him but he wasn't there. You then spotted Shigaraki and went to him. You tugged his pants and he looked at you through his father's hand. It was scary at first but you got used to it.

'Where is Dabi-san?' You asked him. He looked at you for a few seconds. Kurogiri then set you on one of the stools and you looked around to find him. 

'He's out on a mission. He should be back in sometime.' He answered. You nodded and wiggled your way down to the floor. You were going back inside when Shigaraki stopped you.

'Where are you going brat?' He asked you. You turned around and gave him a sweet smile. 

'To bed.' You answered. He nodded. You went back to the room.

~time skip to next day~

You woke up by someone pinching your cheeks. You opened your eyes and saw Dabi looking down at you and smiling. You smiled big and opened your arms to hug him tightly. He hugged you back while smiling. Whenever he had a bad day, your smile was sure to light it up.

'Hey munchkin.' He said putting you down.

'Hello.' You said smiling. You both sat down on your bed and talked a little about somethings here and there.

'So you hungry?' He asked you. You nodded vigorously. He chuckled a little and kissed your forehead.

'Go brush your teeth and then come outside okay munchkin?' He said. You nodded and then ran off to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and then Toga helped you shower and change into some other clothes. She tied your hair into a ponytail and then you ran outside to Dabi. When you went outside you saw Dabi and Shigaraki panicking. You went there and tugged Dabi's pants. He looked at you and picked you up in his arms and then looked at Toga. They exchanged a look of knowing what was happening. Toga ran to pack your clothes up. You couldn't understand what was happening or why was everybody panicking. 

'Dabi-san what is happening?' You asked him. He looked at you with sad eyes.

'Nothing munchkin. We are just moving to a new place.' He said. You still didn't understand why was everyone talking and planning something. You just rested your head on Dabi's shoulder and then just kept quiet. The truth was, the hero's found out about the League's hideout and about you. Suddenly the doors were smashed open. You jerked your head around the way the noise came from. Dabi grabs the bag from Toga's hand and he nods at Shigaraki before running off with you.

But oh boy were the heroes smart. Eraserhead and Kamui woods were standing at the backdoor. Dabi grunted before throwing a big blue flame over to them. They easily dodged it. He was going to use his quirk when it didn't work. He groans knowing that the scarf man erased his. You were so confused and scared by what was happening. You started crying knowing that people around you were getting hurt especially Dabi. Dabi started running once again. Kamui Woods attempted to capture him but Dabi hid behind a wall a little far from them. He set you down panting and looks you in the eye.

'Listen munchkin. Those are some... people who are trying to take you away from me. You need to run okay? Run as fast as you can and I promise I will be there. Okay?' He says smiling a bit. You nod while crying and sobbing. Thinking about people hurting him. Suddenly a scarf is wrapped around your body as you yelp.

'NOOO!' Dabi yells as Eraserhead grabs you. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but no avail.

'NO DABI.. NO NO LET ME GOO!!!!!!!!' You scream at him.


You accidentally activated you quirk making Eraserhead drop you. You surround yourself in purple flames as you keep screaming. Dabi looks at you in horror. All of them looked at you forgetting everything.

'STOP HER YOU DAMN VILLAIN!' Endeavor yells at Dabi.

'Your quirk is fire too, shouldn't you be stopping her too!?' All Might yells at Endeavor from a distance. Everyone looks at them. Dabi looks at Eraserhead who has wrapped Dabi in his scarf stopping him from going anywhere.

'Hey Eraserhead. Unwrap me from this disgusting thing for a minute. I know how to calm her down. Just a minute. I won't run away I promise.' He pleads him. Dabi never thought he would beg a hero but for you, he would do anything as long as it keeps you safe. Eraserhead looks at him for a minute and then lightly nods. He unwraps him and Dabi runs towards you. You were still crying and screaming due to the flames around you and on your body grew wider and wider.

'Hey hey look at me munchkin. I'm safe.' Dabi says to you. You hesitantly look at him. He smiles a little as his hands are up in the air showing you that he's fine. You start to calm down as the flames grow down. You finally calm down and run to him. Dabi drops down to his knees and hug you as tightly as he can but not too much to hurt you. You wrap you little arms around his neck almost afraid that they'll take him again. You start sobbing drenching his shirt.

'It's okay munchkin. I'm here. Don't cry.' He says while playing with you hair. As much as the heroes loved this scene. They had to arrest him. No matter how bad they felt about separating you both, they had to. Meanwhile you both hugged each other while you cried and he soothed you.

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