Izuku Midoriya x reader

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3rd person's P.O.V

You and Izuku were middle school friends. You'd always protect him from that angry kacchan. You were best friends. You've had a crush on him forever but he doesn't know. You don't know that he has a crush on you too. You both were damn shy to tell each other. Even if everyone of your classmates knew that, you'd never tell. One day you decided to finally confess. 

'Mina!' You yell at her making her flinch.

'Seriously Y/N? I'm sitting right beside you, no need to yell.' She says. You nervously laugh.

'I'm finally gonna confess to Deku.' You say with your eyes closed as you knew what her reaction would be.

'Yeah I- WAIT WHAT!?' She says jumping on the bed repeatedly. You open you eyes and nod at her.

'I mean, he's not gonna confess. I know him so I know that he's not gonna confess anytime soon.' You say.

'But what if he rejects me? I mean him and Uraraka are pretty close.' You say slightly hurt.

'Then show him what he missed.' Mina said hyping you up. You smile at her words.

'Well then, let's discuss the plan.' She says again and you nod.

'Yeah yeah.' You say. You take in a deep breath and discuss what's the plan with Mina. When you both are finally ready, you go downstairs in the common room. You see everyone sitting there, including Midoriya. But he was talking to Uraraka and Iida. You shook your head and went towards him. You tapped his shoulder and he turns around to see you. He smiles at you nervously.

'H-Hey Y/N-chan.' He says. You smile at him and wave.

'Hi Deku. I need to talk to you outside.' You say fiddling with your fingers. He looks back at Iida and Uraraka and they nod. Uraraka wiggled her eyebrows at him and he started blushing madly. You both go outside and then you stand near a tree.

'So, t-there's this thing I've a-always wanted to tell y-you but I couldn't.' You start. He raises his eyebrows worriedly.

'W-What is it Y/N-chan, are you okay?' He asks and you nod.

'W-Well you see... Um.... I actually.... I just wanted to say that I.... Ugh dang it, I LOVE YOU DEKU.' You say staring right in his eyes. His eyes widened and his jaws dropped. Both of your faces were as red as a tomato. You wait for him to answer but he just stands there in shock. He was too stunned to speak. You actually liked him back!? He thought repeatedly. When he doesn't answer for a minute or so, your smile drops.

'I-It's okay, y-you don't have to answer. I guess you like-'

'No no no. I love you too Y/N. It's just I'm a little too s-shocked because I really d-didn't think you l-liked m-me.' he explains. You grin widely and wrap your arms around his torso and hug him tightly. You feel his body stiffen but he slowly hugs you back. He rests his head on top of your head and you quietly listen to his fast heartbeats becoming normal. You pull away and give him a kiss on his cheek.

'So you're my boyfriend now. Finally.' You say happily. He blushes and smiles and then looks away. He mumbles something again but you didn't quite hear it.

'What was that?' You ask frowning.

'Oh n-nothing, it's just I-I can't believe that y-you're actually my g-girlfriend now.' He said smiling happily. You blush too and hold his hand. He holds your hand tightly and you both go inside. Everyone sees you two holding hands and they get the idea that you two are official now. 

'FINALLY WOHOOOOO.' Everyone shouts (except Bakugo and Todoroki since they had no interest). You smile at them and Mina hugs you. You both sit down on the sofa next to each other and don't stop holding hands. You both were really happy that day. You spent the rest of the day together, talking and cuddling. 



I know I know this is a shitty chapter. I'm sorry. I am running out of ideas, so if you guys have any, please feel free to tell me. I will gladly take your requests. 

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