Hitoshi Shinso x female reader

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You and Shinso have been together for months now. You were an insomniac like him but sometimes you both were fast asleep when you two were cuddling. Today was a long day for both of you. You were in 1-A while he was in 1-C. Currently it was night and you were laying on top of Shinso on his bed. Aizawa gave you permission to visit each other sometimes. Shinso had an arm around your waist. He was sleeping but you weren't. You couldn't sleep and you were hungry. You kept bugging Shinso to go get ice cream but he wouldn't budge. You started drawing circles on his chest and bitting his hand slightly so he would wake up.

'Baby can we please go to bed?' He asked whining. 

'But ice cream?' You said giving him puppy dog eyes.

'It's midnight! I'm not getting you ice cream.' He said. You switched on the lights and sat up on his stomach. You were pouting and giving him puppy dog eyes. He groaned and nodded finally giving in. You both went to the kitchen, well you were practically dragging Shinso to the kitchen. You both stopped in front of the freezer. You opened it and found some chocolate ice cream in the freezer. You then opened the fridge and saw a cake. You were so happy. You smiled like an idiot and took out the cake. You turned around with the cake still in your hand and looked at Shinso with such happy eyes that he started laughing.

'I hate you so much.' He said laughing. You smiled chuckling too.

'Do you want some cake?' You asked innocently as you started getting a piece of cake in 2 plates for the both of you. 

'I want sleep.' He said putting a hand over his eyes and groaning. You laughed a bit as you took out 2 bowls and put some ice cream in it. You then sat on the counter and smiled at him.

'I think you want some cake.' You said giving him the cake and ice cream. He shook his head and leaned on the counter beside you. You both ate your food and talked about your day and things here and there. You were still talking when the lights suddenly turned on. You both froze and looked at the person near the light switches. You saw Aizawa sensei glaring at you both. You smiled slightly as Shinso rubbed the back of his neck. Aizawa folded his arms.

'Didn't I tell you not to spend the night with him?' Aizawa said looking at you dangerously. 

'Um yeah but we kinda lost track of time and now I was hungry so we just got up and now we were having ice cream and cake. Want some?' You said smiling sheepishly and pushing the bowl of ice cream in his direction. Shinso chuckled lightly. Aizawa sighed and shook his head.

'Just... Go to sleep now and you better not be late tomorrow to class both of you.' He said turning around and going away. You sighed. You both looked at each other for a second and then burst of laughing. You then quickly cleaned the dishes and put everything back in place. You both went to his dorm and fell asleep cuddling with each other.

And to everyone's surprise you weren't late. You were just damn sleepy. You kept sleeping between class and Bakugo practically had to pop a small explosion near your ear to wake you up. 

*Shaking my head*



I know that this was probably trash but I was out of ideas!!!!!!!!!! *sad noises*

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