Hawks x female reader

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(fluffy chapter. You both are 21 and you're Quirkless. You both are already dating.)

You were laying on your sofa while reading a book. You were so lost in the book that you didn't notice the front gate opening. Hawks was really busy and frustrated from his hero work. Although you didn't complain about being alone most of the time, he knew you were quite lonely. He went in and saw you lying on the sofa. He opened his jacket and glasses. He smiled as he saw his girlfriend laying peacefully on the sofa with a serious expression while reading the book. He saw you reading 'The Fault In Our Stars'. Your all time favourite book. He sighed as he cleared his throat. You still didn't budge. He snatched the book from your hand and held it high so you couldn't reach it. (I just searched his height and it was 5'4 like wtf dude. Imma just pretend like he's 6'2 or something). 

'KEIGO! Augustus was gonna take her to the author!! Come on, give it back!' You said as you tried to snatch the book out of his hand. You looked at him angrily.

'Nope. Pay attention to me.' He pouted like a young kid. Your anger faded as you chuckled at his childish expression. He smiled as he put the book away and opened his arms. You went upto him and hugged him tightly. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He sat on the sofa as you rested your head on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry. I haven't been spending time with you-'

'Hey it's fine. I know how hectic your work is. You are a hero and you have to save the world. I get it.' You said as you smiled and pecked his lips. 

He suddenly got up startling you. You held onto him for your dear life. He went to the kitchen and set you onto the counter. He pulled away and started making some food.

'What are you doing?' You asked. 

'Making food?' He said. 

You smiled as you dangled your legs from the counter. You sat as you watched him as he made food. He looked so handsome. His blonde hair was perfectly set. His golden orbs were focusing on making the food. His toned body was just.... amazing. You guys made jokes and talked about small things as he cooked and you watched.

'Whaaat.' He said as you hoped off the counter and flicked his forehead. 

'Hey!' He grumbled. 

You gave him the sauce which was right beside him and he couldn't find it. You giggled as you saw his confused and embarrassed face. After a while dinner got ready. He went to shower and freshen up while you set the table. You changed into some pyjamas and a crop top. You sighed as he got out of the shower and changed into some fresh clothes. You both sat down and talked while eating the nice food he cooked.

'So.. what did you do today?' He asked. You shrugged.

'I came back from work, freshened up and then I was reading a book until my stupid boyfriend decided to snatch it away.' You said chuckling. He rolled his eyes.

'Oh come on! You've read that book like 10 times. I bet you have memorised every word of it now.' He said as he took a bite out of his food. You smirked and he shook his head smiling.

'Idiot.' He grumbled. You laughed as he told you about a funny incident at work. 

He always told you things that could make you laugh for sure. And he had a very well idea of what makes you happy. You both were madly in love with each other. You couldn't bear the idea of if one of you left or you had to leave each other. You chuckled once again as he made some weird hand moments showing how he flied in the air.

"And this guy comes up to me and he's like 'I don't like you'. He said that and then I was like 'okay but why?' Then he says 'Because my girlfriend is obsessed with you!' And I laughed it off and told him that I had a girlfriend." He said laughing. 

You always thought that you were very lucky to be his girlfriend. He had way many fangirls and you loved the fact that despite all of them, he loved YOU. Not them, but YOU. You smiled at the fact.

'I love you.' You said smiling like an idiot. He narrowed his eyes while smiling.

'Are you jealous because many girls love me?' He said doing a very bad hair flip. You laughed loudly at his bad attempt at doing a hair flip. 

'No. I'm not jealous. I'm very happy that you're mine and you love me. Not them.' You said. He pouted like a small child and awed you. 

'YOU KNOW I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' He screamed at the top of his lungs. 

'I LOVE YOUUUU TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!' You shouted after him. Both of you chuckled and fell on the floor laughing.

'The hell was that.' He said still laughing. 

'I don't know.' You said. You both looked at each other then burst out laughing once again.

'Oh my god..' You said wiping a tear from your eyes. 

You both got up and cleaned up the plates and the table. You both got some more snacks and some blankets and pillow. You both sat on the couch and cuddled while watching a movie. You were so glad to have him.



Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistake.

By the way, what's your zodiac sign? Mine is Leo. And I'm an august Leo. What about you?

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