Eijiro Kirishima x female reader

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(Your quirk is telekinesis and you all are in 2A.)

3rd Person's P.O.V

Kirishima broke up with you because he told you that you were a distraction towards his hero training. 


'Y/N I really need to talk to you.' Eijiro Kirishima, your boyfriend of 1 year told you in a serious tone. You knew it was something serious by his expression and voice. You frowned.

'Okay Eiji what is it?' You asked as you both were standing in your dorm.

'I am breaking up with you.' He says looking at the ground. Your heart stopped for a second. Your eyes became wide and your jaws dropped. Eijiro knew how much it would hurt you. He didn't wanna break up with you but he also wanted to become a great hero. 

'W-What... Why?' You asked as tears filled your eyes.

'I- Because you are just becoming a distraction to me and I don't want any distractions if I want to become a hero.' He says still looking at the ground. You couldn't believe it. A distraction? What about the 1 year you spent together? What about every moment you spent together? Was it just a game?

'Was e-everything, t-the whole 1 y-year, a g-game to you?' You asked sobbing in between. His head shot up and he finally looked at you face. You eyes were bloodshot red and your face was red too. His heart clenched at the view of your face. He couldn't decide if he was making a mistake or a right decision.

'NO! Of course not Y/N.' He said moving closer to you. He moved his hand and tried to cup your face but you moved away. You shook your head and you broke down crying. Your knees gave in and you collapsed on the ground on your knees. His heart was breaking seeing you like this.

'L-Leave.' You whispered but he heard it. Tears were forming in his eyes too. 

'Y/N but-' He couldn't say anything else since you started crying even more. He clenched his fists and ran out of the door. Both of you were heartbroken. Mina heard your cries and she ran to your dorm. She comforted you and you told her everything. You cried all night. Kirishima was crying too. Bakugo went there to check up on him and he saw him crying. Kirishima told Bakugo everything and Bakugo smacked him on the back of his head.

'Are you insane? She is not a distraction. She is your motivation to become a hero. She gives you motivation. Remember you told me this yourself. You told me that you wanna become a great hero and protect her. So what the hell were you thinking?' Bakugo said huffing. Kirishima thought about it and realised that he was right. He thought about everything he did with you, all the happy memories. The way you smiled, the way your eyes lit up whenever he was talking about food. He did not go without realising that Bakugo said all that with cussing. He chuckled a bit and nodded.

'Thank you Bakugo. I understand now. I'll go back and apologise tomorrow. Hopefully she'll forgive me.' He says to the blond sitting in front of him.

'Yes she will. Love doesn't change in a day.' He says. Kirishima smiles and hopes that Bakugo is right.

~end of flashback~

In the morning, you woke up not wanting to go to school. You told Mina to make some excuse to Aizawa sensei. You woke up and did the necessities. You slumped back in bed thinking about last night. You didn't realise you started crying again. Did you do something wrong? Never in 1 year did he distract you, he gave you more reasons to become someone strong.

The was about to ring and you weren't there. Kirishima wanted to talk to you but he couldn't see you. He grew a little worried about you. Shit, what have I done. He thought. Then he spotted Mina. He thought she might know about you since you both were best friends. He ran towards her. 

'Hey Mina. Where's Y/N?' He asked in a worried tone. Mina turned to face him and glared at him.

'I'm sorry is she not becoming a distraction to you now? I mean you have to study but you can't if you keep thinking about her. You wanna be a "great hero" don't you?' Mina said huffing.

'Mina I know I made a mistake-'

'A huge one if I may add.' Mina cut him off in between. He nodded.

'I know. And I wanna make it right. I know it's a little late but I wanna make things right. She's the one I love and I don't wanna lose her. Please will you tell me where she is?' Kirishima pleaded the angry girl sitting in front of him. Mina knew you both loved each other a lot and that you would be completely broken.

'She.... She's in her dorms. CRYING.' Mina said. Kirishima gave her a small smile and ran out of the classroom ignoring Iida's warnings. Bakugo shook his head as he smiled a little but then went back to his usual resting bitch face in a second. 

Kirishima ran to your dorm. He was about to knock when he heard sobbing from inside. His heart clenched. He sighed holding back his tears. He didn't bother knocking. He opened the door and went in. Some things in your room were floating since you couldn't control your emotions. You shot up from your bed from the noise. You looked at the door to see a red-haired male looking at you in pure sympathy. You hair was in a messy bun which was a lot messy. You whole face was red and your eyes were swollen from crying all night. You lips were a little chapped. 

'What are you doing here?' You asked your voice breaking from seeing him.

'Y/N just please hear me out.' He said. You were sitting on the edge of your bed. He went in front of you and kneeled in front of you. 

'What is it?' You said looking directly in his eyes.

'I know I made a terrible mistake and I wanted to tell you that the truth is, I love you. I love you more than I could possibly ever love anything else. I don't know what I was thinking. I am an idiot for leaving someone as great as you. And as for what I said last night. I was wrong. You are not a distraction, you are my motivation. Whenever I see you, I have a feeling and I want to become someone strong and protect you. I love you Y/N and I understand if you wanna break-' You cut him off by smashing you lips on his. He smiled in between the kiss and cupped your face as you hand went behind his neck. You pulled away and looked in his eyes smiling.

'You idiot. I cried the whole night for you thinking I lost you. Don't ever do that again. I love you so much.' You say as you rest you forehead on his as he chuckled and nodded. You both spend the day with each other. Mina and Bakugo had to drag you outside your dorm in order to get you away from each other since you both were sticking to each other like magnets.  

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