Pro Hero Izuku x quirkless reader [ little angst & fluff]

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(You are Quirkless in this. And all characters are aged 21 years old.)

3rd Person's P.O.V

You sighed as you lay on bed waiting for your boyfriend to come home. He had been on a serious mission lately so he wasn't been able to spend time with you. For 2 months. Even though he came back to the house, he just made some small talks, ate and then went to sleep. Not that you were complaining. You understand that he's a pro-hero and he will be a lot busy than you. 

You looked at the time and it was 1 am. You decided to text Deku.

Y/N❤️: When are you gonna be home?

Deku💚: I don't think I'm gonna be home tonight. Sorry!

You looked at the text he sent. You closed your eyes and sighed once again. You missed him. You missed the talks, you missed the kisses, you missed eating food together. You got up and decided to eat something since he wasn't coming home. You quickly made some pasta and left some for him in the microwave. You left a note there saying that there was food in the microwave. You ate you food thinking about a million things. You finished your food and went to bed. 

Back with Izuku,

'Thanks a lot Kirishima-kun for helping me with this mission!' Deku happily said to him. Red Riot smiled and nodded.

'So how are you and Y/n?' He asked as he took off his masks and gears.

'We're good. Why?' Deku asked a little confused. Kirishima chuckled.

'No, I just don't see you hanging out with her anymore. I just thought that something might have happened since you both are always together.' Kirishima said. Deku nodded slightly as he took in Kirishima's words.

'Yeah, just that I've been a little busy so I haven't really... you know talked to her.' Deku softly said.

'TALKED TO HER?! I couldn't stay a day with Katsuki's hugs and you haven't even talked to her? Dang.' Kirishima exclaimed surprisingly. 

Deku smiled a little as he realised that he did miss you a lot. Your touch, your kisses, your hugs, your smile, your face, your talks. He sighed as he decided to go home. 

'Okay bye Deku-kun!' Kirishima chirped as him and Deku parted ways. 

On the way, Deku thought about what Kirishima said. It did seem like you both were drifting but it didn't feel like to him. You still had the same cheery smile when he came home. You stayed up late nights for him just to see him before he goes to work. You always made food for him. He didn't do anything for you. He was so busy with hero-work that he forgot to make time for you. He sighed as he wiped his tears and opened the front door.

'Puppy?' He called out. He didn't see anyone on the sofa. 

He went in the kitchen hoping you'd be there. You weren't. But a note was saying that there was food in the microwave. He smiled a little. He heated up the food and quickly ate it. He drank water and then went to your shared bedroom to find you. He did find you. Cuddled up with his shirt in your arms. He sadly smiled as he saw your wet tears on your cheeks. He saw that you were listening to music. He opened your phone and he saw that you were listening to the 'sad' playlist you had. 

He sighed as he shook you to be awake. You slowly opened your eyes to see Deku sitting there with tears in his eyes. You immediately got up and hugged him pulling him closer to your chest with a panicked mind.

'What happened? Are you okay? Did something happen?' You asked panicked face.

He hugged you tightly as he cried on your shoulder. You held him tightly and ran your hands through his hair to calm him down. 

'I... am so sorry. I am the worst boyfriend ever-' He said while crying. You wiped his tears away and cupped his cheeks.

'Who told you that? You're the best boyfriend anyone could ever have!' You said smiling brightly. He shook his head.

'I don't treat you right. I am always away and I don't even give you time. I don't deserve you.' He said. You sighed as you kissed his forehead and pulled him closer to you.

'That's wrong. I know you have hero-work and you're busy saving the world from idiots. I can't force you to leave your hero-work and spend all your time with me. You gotta do work and show the world who's the number 1 hero. And about me, I'll always be by your side no matter what. And I'm happy from the time you give me Izu. Because I love you so much!' You said kissing his hair.

'I love you too. I'm sorry.' He said as he wiped his tears.

You both laid on the bed as he lay his head on your chest with you holding him safely in your arms. He hugged you tightly as you giggled because he left kissed all over your chest.

'Stop it!' You said while laughing. He laughed with you as ruffled his hair.

'Hey! My hair!' He pouted. You laughed as you pulled him closer and rested your head on his head.

'I missed you!' He said.

'I missed you too baby!' You said.

'I'll spend more time with you now.' He said pulled the cover over both of you.

'Thanks but i'm not complaining. And you will focus on your work too.' You said. He smiled and nodded.

You both missed this. Being in each other's arms. 

Next morning you woke up with Izuku still in your arms. You smiled as you kissed his forehead and woke him up for breakfast. You did your necessities and then went to make breakfast. 

You were making breakfast when two hands snaked around your waist and someone kissed your neck. You blushed knowing who it was.

'Morning puppy!' He said cheerfully. You smiled and turned around to kiss him on the lips.

'Morning babe!' You said as you served him breakfast.

Let's just say, life went back to normal. A LOT OF CUDDLES AND KISSES. 

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