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"Shhh before they hear us." I said in a whisper.

"Who cares though?" Devontae said still hovering over my body.

"I do. Once everybody finds out that we're just more than friends, they gone be all up in our business."

"Yea, I guess you right about that." He said moving and sitting on the bed.

I heard the doorbell ring and couldn't think of who it was because everybody has a key. I looked out the window and seen my dads car. Oh god! Please let Paige be gone somewhere.

"Who is it?" Devontae asked. He must see the look on my face.

"My dad."

"Oh my damn. Where's Paige?" He said.

"I don't know, can you go get the door while I go see what she's doing?"

"Go head." He went door stairs while I went to Paige room.

I peeked in to see her and.... Chris, sleep? Yeah ok. I tried to leave quietly but unfortunately I failed.

"Who's at the door?" Paige asked sleepily.

"Dang why do you sleep so light?" I said opening the door all the way.

"Girl who at the door?" I stayed quiet for a minute until she sat up and looked at me. "Sperm donor?"

"Paige don't call him that. He's our dad."

"Your dad, not mines." She said getting up and coming around the bed.

"Where you going?"

"To let him get what he want and put his ass out." I rolled my eyes as she retrieved down the stairs.

We got down there to see my dad grilling Devontae hard. It was kind of funny. Devontae looked a little nervous.

"Who the hell is this kid?" My dad asked not once taking his eyes off of him.

"That's my bestfriend Devontae." I said.

"Bestfriend? How come I ain't never met him?" He said.

"Because..." I started.

"Because its none of your business. Hurry up and get what you came for and leave." Paige said.

He looked at Paige and sighed. "What's your problem?" He asked.

"You! Your my fucking problem." Paige said.

"Look I don't give a damn what me and yo mama going through, I'm your father and you will respect me. You not fucking grown!"

"Do I give a fuck though? No, so like I said make it snappy."

He got closer to her and was now in her face. Well not really cause she's like shorter than him.

"Little girl I will tear yo ass up! I'm not these little niggas out here that you be fucking with, I helped bring yo ungrateful ass in this world I can take you out."

"Well do it then bitch nigga. You doing all of this talking but I still don't see you doing shit! Right, the fuck out my face." She said getting to walk away but before I knew it he had her by her hair.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again!" He yelled pulling her hair so hard she was turning red.

"Let me the fuck go!" She screamed moving around trying to get out of his grip.

"Daddy let her go! What is wrong with you?" I screamed on the verge of tears. Vontae looked at me and he seemed to get angry, so then out of nowhere his fist was connecting to my dads face as Paige moved away holding her head.

"Oh my god! No stop!" I yelled.

"Beat that nigga ass! Punk ass nigga! Fuck em up!" I heard Paige say. I know she's mad but this is not the time. He's still our dad.

I seen Chris come down the stairs and he instantly grabbed Devontae off of my dad.

"You a weak ass nigga man, what man puts his hands on a girl? His daughter at that." Devontae yelled.

"Calm down man!" Chris said. "What the hell happened?" He asked.

"This pussy grabbed Paige by her hair like she was some nigga on the streets."

Oh how I wish he didn't say that. I seen the rage in Chris eyes. He moved away from Vontae and kicked my dad right in his face.

"Fuck wrong with you!" He said.

"Now get out!" Paige yelled.

He picked himself up off the floor and held his bleeding nose. "This shit ain't over." He limped to the door and left.

I just sighed sitting down and shaking my head. I can't believe that shit just happened.

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