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I never would have thought those words would've left Lauren's mouth. She wants to separate? Smh I can't do that. I love her too much! But there is something that I have been keeping from her.

I've been cheating on her for the past month and that's why I haven't been having sex with her. I feel guilty because Lauren is a great wife and mother but I just be needing a break from everything.

The woman I've been cheating on her with is also saying that she might be pregnant and its hard to look Lauren in the eyes knowing that we might have to go through the same thing we went through when I told her about Meagan.

I know for sure she won't be taking me back after this shit and that's why she won't be finding out. Il

I know there's a possibility of the kids finding out and then I'll have to deal with them. Knowing Meagan she will have her little attitude towards me but shell still talk to me. Now Paige on the other hand, you can never be to sure with her because she's deadly. Laugh all you want but I'm low key scared of my daughter.

I think I just need to stay here and think of a way to tell Lauren everything. But I need to keep my guard up because I could leave out this bitch half dead.

Pray for me please!

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