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It was like 10 at night and I was just walking around the beach. They others were at the hospital checking on Tara. I didn't feel like being around all that sad stuff so I came out here, plus I don't even like being in hospitals.

Me and Chris haven't said nothing to each other. When I told everybody I was coming out here, he just shook his head. I don't have to sit in a damn hospital if I don't want to. He can be such a dumb ass.

I felt somebody standing behind me, I looked and it was just Chris standing there looking at the water. I simply got up, whipped my butt off and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"Where you going?"

"To mind my business. Now can you please let go of my arm?" I was annoyed already.

"Let me talk to you real quick." I never heard him sound so serious.

"About what?" I said removing his hands from my arm.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry for how I acted earlier. I was just upset, you gotta understand that."

"I don't have to understand shit. But I do because if it were my moms I'd probably be the same but I wouldn't have pushed people away who are trying to help me." He looked down at the sand, kicking it around.

"Yea I know, that why I came to apologize. Can I make it up to you?"

"By doing what? And it bet not be anything nasty." He smiled but still shook his head.

"I'm not going to say its not because I know me." I scoffed and pushed his head.

"Just nasty."

"Can I get a hug?" He asked with his arms open.

"Yea, keep ya hands above the waist." I joked and hugged him. He held me tight like he didn't want to let me go. I honestly didn't want him to. We slowly pulled apart and I looked up at him as he looked down at me. Oh sweet Jesus, if he don't just kiss these lips already.

He leaned down more until our lips touched. I couldn't help the funny feeling that went through my lips. It was almost like my first kiss except my first kiss was an accident. But I still enjoyed it.

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"You keep doing stuff like this and I'll forget all about that bet." I said walking away from him and he soon followed.


I don't think Paige realizes that I been forgot about that bet a long little minute ago. I wasn't ready to just have sex with yet, I wanted to make love to her and that's crazy.

I got these weird feelings for her that even I don't even understand. But me being me, I don't wanna tell her.

"So Rayshaun, I got a question." Paige said folding her legs. We were all back in the room, the boys room to be exact.

He looked at her hesitantly. "Yea." He asked unsure.

"Why this girl we seen at the store the other day had the nerve to get smart with me, again after the last time I seen her?"

"I-i don't know." The whole time Tiffany was looking back and forth from them.

"Oh and then she surprisingly knew Tiffany's name. Like how does she know her name?" I think Paige knew exactly what she was doing.

Rayshaun shook his head. "I don't know man, why you asking me?"

"Because you know who the fuck I'm talking about that's why!" Paige is bipolar.

"Whats going on?" Tiff asked.

"He playing you that's what's going on. When I was at they house one day I seen her and I accidentally bumped into her then and guess where she was coming from... His room, while he came out with his damn shirt off sweating and shit."

Ok and so where was I when all of this took place?

"What is she talking about?" Tiffany asked.

"You know what you need to mind yo fucking business! That ain't got shit to do with you!" Rayshaun yelled.

"It do when it concerns my bestfriend bitch! Because you got her fucked up, fuck you mean."

"I'm lost." I heard Meagan mumble. Devintae leaned towards her. "Me too." Then I leaned over.

"Me three."

"I'm confused, who the fuck was she? And how did she know who I was?" Tiffany asked.

Rayshaun sighed. "Remember the night you caught me on the phone?" Tiffany nodded. "That was her I was talking to."

"Ok and so what the fuck is she doing here?" We all looked at Rayshaun. He didn't say anything. "You fucking invites her didn't you?"

"I can explain." He said.

"No you can't explain shit. That's some hoe shit. You gone have two bitches, that you mess with in the same place? So you think you got it like that huh?" Tiffany asked.

"Naw it ain't even like that."

"Whatever I gotta go." Tiffany got up and left. Once the door slammed Rayshaun hit the wall.

"The fuck you do that shit for?" He yelled to Paige.

"Because when you fuck with the people I love, that's when its the end if the road for your ass."

"You don't even know the fucking situation, so why you going around running yo mouth?" He was walking up to her like he was about to hit her so I stepped in.

"Chill out bro." I said.

"Man naw fuck this bitch, she just fucked up everything! Tiffany clearly said I had one more time and that was it. Need to put that bitch in check."

"She ain't gone be too many bitches Rayshaun. I will straight pull this knife out and handle yo ass." Meagan said.

"Naw let him keep saying it and I'm a show his ass something. Learn today if you want to." Paige said.

"I'm out." He grabbed his phone and left slamming the door.

"Well that was awkward." Devontae said. And after all of that I'm still confused on who the fuck and what the fuck they was talking about.

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