Prologue:Summoning the audience

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"Master Naofumi, wake up!" Raphtalia shouted. The unconscious hero's eyes snapped opened and he shot up like a lightning bolt. "Are you ok?" Filo asked concerned. After several deep breaths, he looked at the worried girls and smiled softly. "I'll be fine" he reassured his companions(coughdaughterscough). Looking around he noticed they weren't on the roads like usual.

"Is this a theater?" He asked himself.

 As he looked around, he took back his question. It looked more like a family room for watching tv. Several couches were set up as well as two wooden chairs that looked a light breeze away from falling apart. Soon he heard several groans as others were waking up as well. The cardinal heroes, Queen Melromarc, Melty, Trash and Bitch woke up one after the other.

"Finally, you're all awake" A calm yet playful voice called out. Everyone looked toward the source of the voice. A teenage boy around itsuki's age emerged from the shadows. He had dark skin, spiky shoulder length hair that looked similar to madara from naruto only shorter. He sported a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. His posture was relaxed and friendly. But his red emerald eyes held mischief.

"Welcome to my humble abode. Name's Kage and as you probably already figured out, I'm the who brought you all here." Before the shadow kid could explain, the irritated voice of trash pierced the air.

"YOU DARE SUMMON ME HERE AGAINST MY WILL!? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM YOU ARROGANT LITTLE PUNK!?" Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, shocking the king out if his rant. He turned and his eyes widened as kage was there, causally leaning on the king's shoulder with a troll-like grin. Everyone was shocked at the kid's speed.

"Trust me, I'm more then aware who you are, Trash~" He said the name with such a mocking and condescending tone which made trash's face turn red with embarrassment and rage. Naofumi's group snickered while melty and the queen held back a laugh. Another voiced caught everyone's attention as bitch decided to make her presence known.

"YOU DARE SPEAK TO MY FATHER LIKE THAT?! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO-" She was cut off as kage appeared in front of her, that grin never leaving his face. "Don't worry bitch, I'm aware of who you are. And believe me when I say, I've never had so much fun calling someone that. Or do you prefer whore instead?" Kage finished snickering like an imp. The elder princess blushed red with more anger then embarrassment as naofumi snickered harder while the girls laughed loudly. The queen and melty had to make a genuine effort not to laugh but they couldn't wipe those smiles off their faces if they tried.

Once she was sure she could speak with out losing her composure, Melty spoke up. "In all seriousness Mr Kage, why did you bring us here? It couldn't be to simply make fun of my father and sister." Kage smiled at the younger princess's maturity. "She'll be a helluva queen one day" He thought to himself before answering. 

"I brought you all here to watch the journey of a special individual. To see how the journey shaped that person, how he changed, what he endured, and the lengths he went through to protect everyone." He finished. 

"He's clearly talking about me." Motoyasu, the spear hero(coughprickcough) spoke up. "It only makes sense. Sure Ren and Itsuki played a big role but I'm most likely the prime candidate for this." He finished smiling confidently. Ren and itsuki rolled thier eyes, already knowing it wasn't him.

"Sir Motoyasu" Myne swooned.

Kage processed what he said for a solid minute before falling on his back, laughing like a hyena. Motoyasu didn't share his amusement. "What the hell's so funny?!" he asked the laughing teen. After a minute, kage wiped away tears of mirth before answering. "It's the fact that you really think I'd summon you all here to watch the adventures of a walking talking dumb blonde joke."

Motoyasu's face fell while naofumi smirked. Kage soon spoke up, all traces of mirth gone. "We are watching the journey of Sir Naofumi Iwatani." Naofumi looked at the kid in shock. "Don't think of this as ridicule shield hero, I believe everyone should know what you went through, especially dumb, dumber and dumbest over there" Kage said as he gestured to the three cardinal heroes who looked more then offended. "The choice however is yours. Should you say no, I'll send you all home without question. You have my word"

Naofumi took a few minutes to process. Myne shouted at him to hurry up which earned her a murderous glare from kage, quickly shutting her up. "I'll do it. But answer this, We're clearly not at home so how are we supposed to deal with the waves?"

"A fair question. Time is temporarily frozen in your home. Once this is over, you'll all be sent back, and none one will have ever known you were gone." Kage answered. "Now if that'll be all, everyone please take your seats."

Naofumi's group shared a comfy black leather couch, along with melty who honestly just wanted to be next to filo. The queen was fine with this as she didn't want her anywhere near her father. The cardinal heroes shared a dark blue sofa, with motoyasu still pouting over the shadow kid's burn from earlier. The queen was given a red leather chair. Not exactly a throne but she welcomed the change of pace. 

Finally trash and bitch had a *WTF* look as they realized the crappy rotten chairs were for them. They glared at the shadow teen, who had made himself a cozy bean bag chair out of nowhere who returned their glares with a bored look. "Deal with it" The two sat down, pouting like children.

Kage snapped his fingers and the room went dark. The screen in front of them flickered to life.

"Now then, let's get this show started shall we?" Kage snapped his fingers once again and the show began.

Rising Of the Shield Hero 

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