Episode 23-Cal Mira Archipelago

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Naofumi spoke up first. "So when you said my journey..?"

Kage nodded. "I never said we'd just watch up till now. There's more to your adventure I believe you should know."

Hearth spoke up next, "Believe me, your adventure is far from over. Unlike Akatsuki here, he can only see up to the present of what universe he pulls you from. I, on the other hand, can see all from the past, present, and future. And trust me, I know a lot more details than Kage does."

As Hearth spoke, he observed the audience. He cast a proud look at the heroes in front of him due to kage's little "watch party", a look of sorrow to mirellia and melty, and a glare of unbridled rage towards bitch.

Naofumi noticed the looks. While he couldn't tell why he was saddened looking at melty and the queen, the glare he gave malty was understandable. "Guess you feel the same way about bitch as the rest of us?"

Hearth sighed as he calmed down before nodding. "I do but it's more of disappointment than anger in all honesty. She could've at least used her charms and charisma with her noble status, well former noble status, to help others. Yet all of it is wasted."

Malty growled at the "former noble status" remark but otherwise said nothing. There was something about him that stopped her. Almost like she knew an outburst would be the last thing she did.

Hearth glances at Melty and Mirellia once more, thinking on whether to share the Queen's fate in the future or let history take it's altered course. A quick glance towards the king was enough to see his expression was of concern upon seeing the expression on the pale god's face when looking at his wife and second, possibly only, daughter.

Kage caught his sorrowful glance toward the queen and second princess. He looked at the pale god, speaking to him via telepathy "Hearth...don't tell me.."

"Would you like to know or do you want to find out for yourself..?" The vampiric looking god answered back telepathically to the shadow god.

Kage was silent for a moment before answering. "I'll give you my answer once this episode ends. For now, we owe them an explanation." The vampiric god nodded to the shadow god.

"Long story short, my friend here has details about your future that I don't. Like you heard him say, I can only show the past and present. But with these last three episodes, you'll be getting a glimpse into your future."

"Not technically 'your' future" Hearth cut in, "But the future set by you in the original universe. You all belong in an altered one now since Akatsuki's intervention diverged all of you from the future that was meant to happen."

Kage spoke up. "The only detail I really changed was the animosity between you four. I imagine in this 'future', that hostility still remains, albeit to a lesser extent."

Hearth nods before speaking to Kage telepathically, "Their friendship is meant to happen after all of them unlocked their curse series."

Kage's eyes widened. "So I was right? They also have a curse series? What happened?" "Later." was all Hearth told him.

"Why do I feel like you two are talking telepathically to hide secrets?" Ren asked, narrowing his eyes at the two. While the two could speak telepathically, their expressions couldn't be hidden as easily as their small talk.

Kage spoke up "Less hiding secrets, more sharing details that I myself have yet to know. But rather than stand here all day, it's better we just show you. Hearth, if you don't mind?"

Hearth smiles and conjures a small orb with the island of Cal Mira in it before throwing it towards the screen. The orb gets absorbed into the screen as the screen begins to show the episode.

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