Episode 18-A Conspiracy Linked

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After taking a few to stretch their legs, the groups reassembled in the living room where kage was waiting. Everything was set up.

"Now then, this will begin your battle with the pope. But first, there was one more obstacle for naofumi's group to deal with." kage explained.

"Who?" Mirellia asked.

Kage and naofumi's group narrowed their eyes at motoyasu and myne. Myne scoffed while motoyasu rubbed his head sheepishly. That gave the queen her answer as she sighed.

Once the groups got settled in, kage played the episode

The episode started with a closeup of the heroes church sigil with an illuminating angelic light.  It then immediately cut to the underground archive where hundreds of disciples were gathered. One of the followers, possibly a lieutenant spoke. "This is it. The time is upon us. At long last, our deepest desires shall finally be fulfilled." And a close up of the pope's grin can be seen.

Everyone in the theater growled at the screen. They remembered this old son of a bitch's plan like it was yesterday.

Aultcray was furious at the fact his daughters were targeted. Wait, daughters? The former king looked over at the red-headed princess. His eyes narrowed but then they softened. Guess he still has a soft spot for her in there. But he still wouldn't forgive her for that.

Kage glared daggers at the screen but then looked over at the queen. He smirked. Kage remembered her arrival. Now that's gonna be good.

Naofumi's group and the heroes looked at each other. The first time they would all join forces. They were reluctant to say the least, or naofumi was anyway. But it worked out. Somehow.

The screen then cut to a wide open field. A bright yellow light illuminated part of it before naofumi, his party ,fitoria, and a cart for some reason, appeared in the field.

"New cart, new cart, new cart." Filo chanted

Naofumi, raphtalia and melty rolled their eyes with an amused smile. Of course that's what she's happy about

Kage shook his head amused. Never change filo, never change

"Thank you so much for the ride, fitoria. We appreciate it." Raphtalia thanked. Melty then spoke up. "And thanks for the new wagon you gave us as well." "Yea. Filo really seems to enjoy pulling them as well." Raphtalia agreed. Meanwhile filo was practically doting over her cart.

"She really likes pulling carts huh?" motoyasu asked.

"Likes" is an understatement." naofumi agreed

Fitoria seemed worried about something. 

"Can big sis fitoria not pull a cart?" Filo asked

"Probably not. You saw how big she is. Her cart pulling days are over." Raphtalia informed.

Filo lowered her head, feeling bad for her.

Kage rubbed his chin in thought. Maybe I can do something about that

Filo noticed the others eyeing her. "No takebacks! It's all mine ok!" She argued as she changed to her bird form. Naofumi was unimpressed with her response. "She gave it to all of us filo."

"Sorry daddy. I got excited about pulling a cart again." Filo said bashfully

Naofumi sighed. "Just remember you're not the only one using it alright?"


"It's official, you're her dad~" Ren teased

Naofumi sighed but finally accepted it. "Fine. I'm her father. Happy now?"

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