Break Chapter-A God's Petulance

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Most of the groups returned to the living room but one member was missing. Soon enough, kage himself reappeared in the room and looked around confused.

"Odd. Naofumi's not back yet?" kage asked confused

Filo spoke up. "Actually, daddy said he wanted to talk to you real quick."

"Really? Alright then. We'll continue when we get back." kage informed before vanishing

Naofumi stood alone in a courtyard of kage's making. Said god appeared behind him soon enough. "Filo says you want to talk."

Naofumi didn't face him so kage simply stood next to him. "What else are you going to show us?"

Kage snorted. "Straight to the point huh?"

"Just answer." naofumi said

"*sigh* I wanted to tell you all at once but fine. I'll be giving you all a brief glimpse into your near future."

Naofmi gasped. "Our future?"

"That's right. Once this episode ends, we'll be caught up with the present." kage informed

"What're you showing us?" naofumi asked

Kage remained silent.

"Alright. I guess you'll tell us all that. But answer me this, why not come with us?" naofumi asked

Kage sighed. "I wish I could. I'm a troublemaker at heart. But, let's just say, there are some rules even I can't break."

"Rules? So you have bosses of your own?" naofumi asked

"Exactly. We have a hierarchy of our own. Let me put to you this way. My family, The Shadow Gods(Or kage family), are the second strongest of the gods in my realm. We have rules of our own and can help in many ways. But the family above us, The Raito Angels, their word is law." kage explained

"And this rule is you can't directly interfere?" naofumi asked

"Smart boy. Think of me as The Watcher. I see all this happening but can't interfere. But in my case, unlike the actual watcher, what i'm doing with you all now is the closest I can get. But damn, I wish I could help." kage explained.

"I see. Let me ask you one more thing and I want the truth." naofumi demanded.

"Shoot." kage said.

"You've shown a lot of petulance the whole time we've been here. But there's one moment that's been bugging me. You're anger at me during the "curse shield" episode. I'm sure you know what i'm talking about. Why were you so angry? You have to know I had every right not to trust those people." naofumi asked.

Kage sighed. "Truth be told, I know you do. But, seeing you shoot them down and treat them so coldly just struck a chord with me, and not in a good way."

Naofumi said nothing so kage continued.

"I always hated seeing humans fight each other for no good reason. Seeing them treat each other so harshly for any reason, good, bad, or just no reason at all, it always angered me."

"But you know why-" kage cut him off

"I know. I've always had some protective instinct for those in need. Those who need help, those who were weak, those who begged but were turned away. And I can't do anything to help them. Because of that damn rule, I have to watch. Watch as any good person is hurt, killed, or treated like shit." 

Naofumi watched him, watched as this god sounded more human then anyone.

"That's why seeing you treat those at the clinic pissed me off. Once again, more people who needed help but were turned down and talked down to, and I couldn't help them. I know what I said to you, but that was because they didn't deserve that treatment. But...You also didn't deserve what I said. I'm sorry for my harsh wording then, Iwatani"

"I get it." naofumi said

"I'm not expecting you to be some goody-two shoes when this is over. But I ask this of you. Those who need help, hear them out. I understand your trust issues outside of your group, but there are those who rely on you, despite trash's efforts."

Naofumi gasped as kage bowed to him.

"Please. Help the people I can't. Please."

"Seeing you bow like that is...pretty odd to say the least. But at the same time, it shows you don't think of yourself as superior to others." Naofumi put a hand of his head. "I may make some choices that won't exactly please you, but i'll help anyone I can. But don't be surprised if my trust issues flare up. Those aren't going away for a long time."

"Thank you." kage said.

"And if i'm being honest, it's a little refreshing not hearing you make jokes a 5 year old wouldn't laugh at." naofumi teased

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!" kage yelled , making naofumi laugh

"Tsk. Cheap shot." kage muttered. "But well played."

"Come on, the others are waiting for us." naofumi said.

"Well said." kage replied getting up.

'I don't expect a huge change in you naofumi, but I do hope you become the hero you were summoned to be. here are many people in that world I can't help. can trust you to help them.' Kage thought

And that's a quick break chapter. Had an idea that wouldn't stop bugging me so I thought I'd pump this out. Anyway, next chapter's the reaction. See you next time for episode 22

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