Episode 3-Wave of Catastrophe

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Filo hid behind naofumi sticking her tongue out while giggling at her older sister. Kage effortlessly held her back as she tried to calm down. It took a while but naofumi and kage were able to subdue and calm an angry but embarrassed raphtalia. "Ok you two chill out." Naofumi ordered. Kage fought back a laugh at the situation he totally didn't cause on purpose. "Alright that's enough fighting between you two." The two eventually calmed down and raphtalia took her seat.

Filo smiled apologetically but still couldn't help but laugh at how red raphtalia  got. Raphtalia tried to pout but filo was just too adorable to stay mad at and smiled down at the little filolial. "But speaking of fighting, this will show you what happened during the 2nd wave." Kage informed. Naofumi looked surprised at the revelation. They knew this was coming but not so fast.

The other three heroes were actually looking forward to this. They heard of what naofumi did but now they were going to see it for themselves.  Especially since he didn't have too many offensive abilities. Trash and bitch weren't looking forward to seeing a wave but they at least hoped that naofumi got the crap kicked out of him(Not even in your dreams, jackassess). 

With that said and done, the screen flickered to life as the next episode started.

The episode opened on a field of tall grass where raphtalia was chasing a monster. Naofumi was sitting on a rock, pulling a big spike out of his shoulder and feeding it to his shield. As he monologued to himself about how many abilities his shield's gotten over the last week, he flashback to how he got hurt in the first place. He had let his guard done and a monstrous porcupine had caught him off guard and impaled his shoulder.

Naofumi winced as he remembered that. Higher durability or not, that hurt.

A voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Master naofumi" naofumi looked toward the source but was fast to react as the porcupine from earlier was coming back for seconds. Naofumi was ready this time with a new power of his: The Shield Prison. A giant iron ball with chains erupted from the ground, encasing and trapping the poor creature. Suddenly footsteps echoed from behind it. The prison was released and the creature was free but was immediately cut down by the one who was chasing it to begin with.

Naofumi was focused on checking his stats as he was now level 16. "The wave is almost here. It's about time we upgraded our equipment". "Master naofumi" That same voice called out to him. Raptalia, now all grown up and at level 18, was holding up the slain monster with a proud smile.

 Raptalia, now all grown up and at level 18, was holding up the slain monster with a proud smile

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Filo got an excited grin and tugged on her sister's sleeves, pointing at the screen. Raphtalia laughed at the younger girl's excitement.

As the opening was playing, naofumi looked at the grown raphtalia on screen with a sad look in his eyes. "She was all grown up, right in front of me and I couldn't see it." But before he could berate himself, a gentle hand was on his shoulder. Raphtalia gave him a soft look and smile, showing he didn't blame him for it.

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