Episode 6-A New Comrade

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An hour later the groups settled back into the living room for the next episode. Before kage could get settle, he felt filo jump onto him, hugging tightly. Thankfully, she wasn't in her bird form. "Kage, thankyouthankkyouthankyou" Filo was truly grateful for the cart and as excited as a kid on a sugar rush.

The shadow god took it in stride and gave her a soft pat on head and softly asked her to join her friends. Naofumi looked at the god. "I'm surprised you weren't fazed in the least." He said, his jaw slightly agape. Kage shrugged. "Meh, my sister used to do that to me all the time. I got used to it." And with that out of the way, he started the next episode.

The episode started with erhard ready for some lunch after a bit of hard work. However, he noticed he had some customers. Some very familiar customers as naofumi and raphtalia arrived. But with a young girl with blond hair, now covered in a brown cloak.(Better then nothing).

Motoyasu looked at the group. "She's not going to be naked the whole episode right?" He asked uncomfortable.

Naofumi spoke up. "Thankfully no. The first thing we did was get her clothes. No way was she walking around like that."

"Welcome. Ah, come on. Don't come here to show off every time you get a new slave." He said. Naofumi simply told him to guess again as this wasn't a slave. "Another young girl? You really are a lolicon huh?" he asked. "Don't be ridiculous."

Everyone except the heroes and kage were really confused on what a lolicon was.

The three heroes smirked at naofumi. "Who's the lolicon now?"

"Oh shut up!" Naofumi yelled embarrassed as the heroes laughed.

Kage looked at the interaction. "You know, for a moment, they looked like those 4 dorks again. They could reconcile. Maybe.." 

Filo wasn't listening as she eyed erhard's sandwich. "Master, couldn't I have just a little snack?" Filo asked. Erhard was kind enough to let her have a bite. "Filo, don't overdo it." Raphtalia lightly scolded. Erhard wasn't worried. "Hey, relax. It's fine miss. How big a bite could she take anyway?" Famous last words.

Naofumi, Rahtalia and Kage gave her a mock glare to which she giggled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

Without warning, she changed to her bird form and devoured the sandwich in an instant. "That wasn't too bad actually." Filo said while erhard stared in shock. Raphtalia and Filo, the latter forced by naofumi, bowed their heads to apologize.

"Sorry Mr Erhard." Filo apologized mentally.

Naofumi and raphtalia sighed, yet couldn't help but smile at the memory. Melty giggled at her friend while kage also shook his head, unable to help the smile that crossed his face. "Of course she's that naïve. She was born 2 days ago."

While filo kept herself busy by pecking at a random suit of armor, erhard asked for an explanation. "So what's the story here?" Raphtalia spoke up. "According to the slave merchant, filolials have a king or queen leading each flock. That's what he told us anyway." She said this as she flashbacked to when the three returned to the slave merchant's tent. "I thought that was just a myth." erhard said.

Naofumi looked up in thought. "You know, I've never seen a filolial king before. Maybe we'll see one some time."

Beloukas then witnessed her turn into a young girl, unfortunately she was naked. Thankfully for the viewers, they don't get that view. Raphtalia continued. "Those kings and queens are highly skilled at transforming and they blend into the flocks by disguising themselves as normal filolials." As she said this, raphtalia blocked beloukas's view of a naked filo. Nice try creep. "And they can transform themselves into humans too? That's nuts."

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