Episode 17-A Promise Made

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After lunch and a long and uncomfortable discussion concerning fitoria's death threat, the groups rejoined kage in the living room. As everyone took their seats, the shadow god spoke.

"This episodes will feature one helluva battle between the filolial queens." Naofumi's group knew what he meant. The heroes and royals couldn't believe it. A fight between two filolial queens. 

Although they had to question how the hell filo won. She was there with them so that much was obvious, but how'd she win against HER?! The queen who destroyed that dragon rex like it was nothing?!

"You'd be surprised how that went. And as for you filo, remember there is a silver lining to that fight." "What?" Filo asked. Kage smirked. "We get to see you get that cute little cowlick~"

Filo pouted at the god's words while most of the room snickered. "Now now, I won't make fun of that. You have your parents to do that for you."

"Ye-HEY!!!" The parents in question yelled. Filo giggled at their reaction.

Kage snapped his fingers and the episode began.

The episode started with breakfast being made for everyone. Raphtalia and melty prepared the food, filo blocked the other filolials from sampling the food, and naofumi tasting the broth to make sure it was right. 

"And here I thought filo would dive for the food herself~" Ren teased.

"Shut up sword guy." Filo pouted

"He's not wrong~" Naofumi teased.

"Oh come on dad." filo whined

Naofumi couldn't help but flashback to fitoria's threat. "If the heroes are fighting each other, instead of fighting the waves of catastrophe, then you leave me no choice. I must kill all four of you."

The heroes shook. She was dead serious. And considering her power, she could do so easily.

The three heroes gulped. 'If she were here with us and saw the first episode, she'd kill us for sure'

Kage heard their thoughts but remained quiet. 'I'd stop her from doing so but yea. She'd be more then pissed.'

"Kill all the cardinal heroes huh?" Naofumi muttered to himself. "Master naofumi?" Raphtalia called out, snapping naofumi from his daze. "Oh nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Why didn't you tell me, filo or melty about that?" raphtalia asked.

"Her threat concerned the heroes, not you three. If she killed me so be it, so long as she didn't hurt you three." naofumi answered.

"Do you honestly think i'd stand by and let her kill you?!" raphtalia asked, now pissed.

"No way. She'd have to go through me before that happens." Filo declared, with melty nodding in agreement.

"Of course not, but what she said to me didn't concern you three. There was no need for you to worr-"

"OF COURSE WE'RE GONNA WORRY YOU IDIOT!" All three girls yelled.

"Whoa." Nobody could manage any other word except for that. Not even kage, who's jaw literally hit the floor.

Naofumi gawked at the reaction.

"Don't you remember what I said when we talked earlier? I'm not losing you!" Raphtalia said. She left out the love confession. Smart girl.

Filo nodded. "I told you, I'm not losing my dad!"

"Naofumi, you're not leaving us do you understand? We wouldn't let anything happen to you." melty promised.

"Same goes for us." 

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