Special Chapter: Hearth's Tale Of Motality

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"Hearth" Melty spoke up. "It's ok. You can show us."

Hearth nodded his head and turned to Kage. "Permission to alter the room, Akatsuki?"


Hearth concentrated as the room shifted to a white void. The void then moves and some of it shifts into white butterflies that flew away, revealing three worlds. "I should start from the beginning."

He grabbed the first world and a large table materialized in front of him. "When I was viewing worlds, I... I wanted to know what being mortal was like. How different it was from being a god. And I found three worlds that peaked my interest."

Kage looked at him with shocked silence. "He wanted...to be mortal?"

Hearth nodded to his fellow god. "I was... curious... Most gods refrain from turning mortal and so they create and allow their creations to roam freely in their own worlds."

Hearth materialized a few orbs that showed four nine-tailed fox girls fighting alongside the same girls from Hearth's realm, a group of misfits that range in a few species like demi-humans, a robot, and humans, and even a vampire that was identical to Hearth's vampire self.

"These are some of my creations." He told them as he showed them the orbs.

"You were everywhere." Ren said, amazed

Hearth smiled. "Yes. I was. I watched the fate of my creations, though not all were pretty at the start, they lived good lives. I watched. But I never interfered. I couldn't." He said solemnly.

"Similar to Kage, no interfering." Naofumi muttered

"True, but unlike Akatsuki, I couldn't interfere because my presence alone would destroy a world." Hearth said as an orb materialized when he first touched a world, it turned from a livable world to one full of molten rocks, ash, and blood red sky.

"Holy shit!" Motoyasu shouted as he watched the world burn, literally.

The Hearth in the orb retracted his hand away and tried to fix it by casting wind, but ended up freezing the entire world instead. He tried creating earth but created a world full of mountains. Adding trees created too much forestry. And adding water flooded the world. The sheer panic wasn't visible in his face but his body movements say that he was scared and panicked.

"How'd the god of reality fail to create, well, reality?" Myne asked bewildered

"Like I said. Curious. I never knew the limits of my power. Even now, I don't know the limits. So, because I don't know, I decided to give myself a limiter. How else do you think you survived my presence when you saw me in my true form for the first time?" Hearth told them.

"Take note that similar to Hearth, I too limit myself. I don't have some fancy perch to watch unhinged but I do keep myself under control. I, myself, also don't know my limits. Or if we even have limits." Kage chimed in

"I still remember hearing from your sister about that incident when you saw your first world." Hearth told Kage. "You apparently shrouded an entire world with shadows and darkness that they couldn't see the moon, stars, nor sun for an entire year."

"That was an accident." Kage pouted, embarrassed. "Akiza, you snitch."

"At least you only shrouded yours in darkness. I cooked, froze, flooded, and terraformed my first world till it was uninhabitable." Hearth said, pouting while crossing his arms.

"They did what?!" The others thought, shaking.

"As much as they act like immature teenagers, they're still gods." Aultcray thought intimidated

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