Break Chapter: Don't leave Us

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*Within Kage's pocket dimension*

Naofumi, Raphtalia and filo were all silent. None of them knowing what to say. Filo looked ready to cry, raphtalia was dead silent with shadows covering her eyes, and naofumi stared at the ground, regret and sadness clear in his eyes.

"Master Naofumi" Said hero looked up to see a teary eyed raphtalia. "Is it true? Once the world was saved, were you really going to just leave?" She asked. Filo whimpered as raphtalia finally got the main question out. Naofumi stiffened, but managed to nod. "There's no need for me to stay after everything safe here. Once the waves are gone, there's no need for me to be here."

"YOU'RE WRONG!!" Filo shouted, tears streaming down her face.  Naofumi looked down at the crying filolial. "Why would you think you're not needed here? The people we've helped, the friends we saved. What about me and raphtalia?! Were you just going to leave us too?!" Naofumi's eyes widened at the question.

He looked away, unable to answer. But his silence was all they needed. As the two cried, naofumi's mind wandered. He wanted to go home. That was the first thing he demanded after everything that happened THAT day. And yet, he couldn't say it. Why couldn't he just say he wanted to go home? Maybe...He didn't want to anymore.

After that day, everyone hated him, and he hatem them back. And yet, there were those that treated him differently. 

Queen Mirellia, 


All of lute village

The old lady that helped during the wave

Ake and his group


The shopkeepers






Why...Why am I hesitating to say it? Just say you want to go home already. Say this world won't need you and say it like you mean it. Say it to yourself. Say it to...them? Naofumi looked at the girls in front of him. The two who were bawling their eyes out as the thought of him leaving hurt more then anything. His chest felt tighter the longer he faced them. This feeling of sadness and guilt eating away at him. He finally understood. I..I can't leave them. I-I don't want to.

He was snapped  out of his thoughts as he felt the two hug him tight, squeezing him like a plushie. "Master naofumi, you raised me since I was an egg, You gave me a life to live, a sister, a friend, *sniffle* A dad. I can't bear having even one of those people close to me gone. Please, stay with us!" Filo finished, sobbing in his chest.

"You saved my life when no one else would. Treated me kindly. Taught me to fight, to live. I have a sister now, friends, and you." Naofumi looked down at raphtalia, his eyes growing misty. "Master, I-I.....I love you!" 

His eyes widened. Those moments flashed through his mind. Her time as a child to an adult. They way she treated him. The ways her face went red and ye, she seemed happier around him. I..I finally get it. That's how you felt, all this time. I was really that blind. I'm so sorry.

The two hugged him tighter. "I don't wanna lose my daddy."

" I don't wanna lose the man I love."


Naofumi eyes dripped with tears and he hugged them back, his body shaking with guilt and regret. "I won't leave you." His voice was soft yet he was close to breaking. "I swear, I won't leave you two." He looked at them with tears in his eyes. "As long as you won't leave me, I promise not to leave you two."

The three just stood there, crying in each others arms, the emotions they held back finally coming forth. They felt lighter then air. And with this, they felt closer already.

Naofumi looked at the two and smiled. Yea, I'll stay in this world.....for them.

And that's that. I'm not good at writing these sad chapters so this may be missing a thing or two. Let me know and I can change some things.

With that said, hope you guys enjoy, sorry this took so long. Next chapter, we resuming the reaction. See you next time for episode 11

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