Episode 22-Four Heroes Council

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Soon enough, naofumi and kage returned to the living room to continue. "Sorry we took so long." kage waved.

"What did master naofumi have to talk to you about?" raphtalia asked.

"He'll tell us later." naofumi answered, exchanging a glance with kage.

"Now then, with this episode we'll be all caught up with where you are now. The council with the four heroes and mirellia. As well as the party." kage informed.

"Wish we could've gone." motoyasu sighed

"Yea." ren agreed

"Maybe next time hopefully." itsuki said

"Wait, does that mean you're showing..?" raphtalia asked.

"Yes." kage answered

"Oh yea. Something did go down out there." naofumi remembered.

"That's putting it lightly." melty and kage muttered

Myne remembered what happened and gulped. Oh shit

Kage killed the lights and the episode started.

The episode started with the gang travelling through the town as morning came. "Master naofumi. Master naofumi." Raphtalia's words stirred the slumbering shield hero awake. Filo, in her human form, spoke up. "Hey, we're here."

Naofumi mocked sighed. "And I was having such a nice dream too. It involved me not being woken up out of nowhere."

"Real funny master naofumi/daddy." the girls said annoyed while naofumi smirked

"Whoa look at that, they changed it." raphtalia pointed out as the church sigil now resembled the weapons of the four heroes. The tip of the arrow, the blades of the sword and spear. And of course, the three being protected by the shield. "The crest has all four heroes on it now." raphtalia pointed out.

Naofumi smirked at the sight

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Naofumi smirked at the sight.

"I gotta say, I like this sigil better." motoyasu said.

"Same here." ren agreed.

"Now this one screams: Unity." itsuki said proudly.

"The four heroes as one." melty said in awe

"Whoa." raphtalia and filo muttered.

Kage smirked. "Now that's more like it."

Mirellia smiled at this in pride while aultcray, had to admit, this was more fitting.

Myne rolled her eyes but a glare from the former king had her nodding frantically.

"This country will sure be different then it was before." raphtalia said. "Uh-huh. And we can finally upgrade classes now that we're not outcasts anymore." naofumi pointed out. "We can thank the queen for that next time we see her." raphtalia said as the three went inside.

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