Midlouge-A needed chat

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*Inside the pocket dimension with Queen Mirellia and Trash*

The king actually had a decent chair for once and sat in front of his wife in silence. Queen Mirellia looked at the former king with anger, disgust and some iota of curiosity. Finally she broke the silence. "Why? Why naofumi? Why would you treat naofumi like this? What has he done?!" She asked in a tone that demanded an answer. Right now she wasn't being his wife, she was being the queen of melromarc. Trash soon looked up. "He's the shield, that's all I need to know. Don't you know what the shield hero will do? What's the shield's done?!" The queen looked at him with a fire in her eyes.

"Naofumi's done nothing wrong Aultcray!" "I know what'll he'll do. He's sided with those damn demihumans!" His anger seemed to grow the moment he uttered the word. "Demihuman. To think he's with one of those monsters!" The queen wasn't a fan of him saying that. "You dare call them monsters! Those people have suffered for no reason!"

"They're not people! You haven't seen what i've seen. I can already tell you what i've done, what you'll see me do, is everything I can to protect my country!" Mirellia's eye twitched. "FROM WHO?! ALL YOU'VE DONE IS MAKE AN INNOCENT BOY AND A YOUNG GIRL SUFFER!"

"FOR WHAT THOSE DEMIHUMANS AND THE SHIELD DID TO MY FAMILY! THEY DESERVE NOTHING LESS FOR WHAT THEY'VE DONE!" The queen and trash paused in their screaming match as aultcray's words sunk in. "What?" Mirellia asked, surprised and confused by his words.

"Those things, those monsters, took my family away from me. And what's worse, the shield hero, he would give his life to protect them. He would fight alongside those demons. How do I know he's any different? He's already fighting alongside one. How long until he befriends more? How long until the tragedy that befell my parents finds it way here?! I refuse to let that happen again!" Trash screamed out, memories of two bloody bodies playing in his head.

The queen looked at her husband with shock. "This is why. He believes naofumi is the same as the previous shield. He thinks he'll kill us. He thinks that history will repeat itself." SHe took a deep breath before speaking. "Aultcray." She said in a soft voice. This got the kings attention as he hasn't heard that soft tone in years. "Name one thing naofumi has done that poses a threat. Name one thing young raphtalia has done that makes you think she's like the others."

Trash racked his brain for anything naofumi had done from the moment he arrived. But nothing came to mind. The boy wanted to help and the girl, while scared, wanted to prevent that tragedy. Any words that threatened to erupt died in his throat. 

"It's as kage said. You let your hatred blind you. Naofumi genuinely wanted to help and you didn't let him. You didn't give him a chance. Well, now you have one. You have a chance to see what you've become. The hero you tried to turn into the demon you feared. The demihuman who's nothing like the ones who took your parents away. I'm not saying you have to be friends, but give naofumi a chance. And I order you to call him by his name at least once before kage sends us home."

Trash let everything sink in before nodding. "Very well, my queen"

*Meanwhile with Motoyasu and Bitch*

Motoyasu for once looked pissed with the first princess. Bitch, for the first time since the trial looked scared to be in front of motoyasu. S-sir mot-" Myne was cut off as he held a hand up. "Everything was a lie huh? What you did to naofumi, your lies about him assaulting you. That fact that you tried to kill your own sister!" Myne shrunk back. "You know, I honestly doubt you have any legitimate reason for any of that!" 

"I-I do! I swear I have-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" The slave crest didn't let her finish at the curse seared through her body. "So all of that was for the hell of it. And the fact that you're the princess, well, WERE the princess, made so nobody could touch you huh?" Myne looked up at him, fear in her eyes. 

But motoyasu wasn't feeling anything for her. It was just like at the execution, where all he could do was look away in disgust. "How many men did you lie about? The queen seemed to imply he wasn't the only one you did this too! How many?!" 

"It was only hi-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" She tried lying about it but the slave crest said otherwise. Motoyasu looked at her disgusted. "I bet I was the same huh? Get on my good side, in more ways then one, and soon i'll just be another victim right?" Her eyes widened. 

"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE! I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT TO YOU! I SWEAR!" For once, she spoke the truth and yet, that only served to piss him off more. Motoyasu looked away from her, disgusted and angry with her and himself, for being dumb enough to fall for it. He didn't face her as he spoke. "When we get out of here, before kage lets us go, you will apologize to naofumi, raphtalia, filo,and Melty. You will apologize for everything you've done! DO YOU HEAR ME BITCH?!" 

Myne eyes filled with tears as even her favorite hero finally was fed up with her. "Y-yes".

*Back in reality, Well, Kage's reality*

The shadow god listened in on both conversations, if you could even call them that. "I'm sure they have more to get off their chest but we need to continue. And thankfully it looks like naofumi is back to normal" He thought. Kage snapped his fingers and the four people were returned. Everyone looked at them. Trash seemed calm but didn't make eye contact with anyone. Motoyasu looked angry and myne looked heartbroken.

"Do what you need to prepare to continue. I'll set everything up shortly." Kage said as he vanisjed somewhere. With nothing else to say, the groups headed into the living room. Kage soon appeared. "Huh, that was fast. Very well, let's continue." He snapped hs ingers and the screen flickered to life. The groups got settled, some more uncormfortable then others, and the show resumed.

That's the chatting done and done. Any room for improvement?  I feel like there was something else I could've added but let's see what you think.

See you next time

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