Episode 2-The Slave Girl

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After an hour, kage snapped his fingers and the two groups returned to the room. Kage looked over at the heroes and snorted in amusement. "Haha Damn, They wrecked your shit." He said as the heroes, well, let's just say they've looked better. 

"Shut up." Motoyasu weakly said, barely even able to lift a finger. "Calm down. Besides, we can't say we didn't deserve that." Ren said, limping towards the food that was placed out." Kage smirked proudly at ren. "Something I can respect about you is at least you know when you messed up." He thought.

He then looked over at  bitch and trash and was surprised to see them pale white with fear. "I'd ask what she did but I don't wanna know." Kage said, slightly unnerved. The queen, Raphtalia and Filo walked by him a lot calmer then they were before. After a quick lunch, some of which had some healing properties for the heroes.(Hey, i'm not completely heartless) They returned to the family room to start the next episode.

The episode opened with naofumi seeing raphtalia for the first time. Before he could say anything, beloukas called him for him to see his strongest slave. He spared her one last glance before walking away.

Naofumi looked ashamed at how coldly he look at his future companion(Daughter). Raphtalia simply smiled at him, letting him know there were no hard feelings. Especially now that she knew why he was so cold and indifferent to everything.

Lifting the covers, naofumi saw the slave in question was a level 75 wolf beastman. "That's almost 20 times my level. How much you want for it?" Naofumi asked. "Well. it is highly capable in battle and fairly rare. How does 15 gold pieces sound?" Beloukas answered.

"Gotta admit, for something that rare and strong, that is a pretty fair price." Kage thought. He looked over at raphtalia with a smile. "But I think he got something better."

Naofumi wasn't amused. "Showing me your most expensive slave knowing full well I can't afford it?" The slave trader simply smiled. "Indeed. You're gonna become one of my best customers. I got a nose for these things, so I gotta make sure you develop a keen eye if you catch my drift good sir. Well now, Since you've seen my best, let me ask you a question. Exactly what kind of slave are you in the market for?" he asked with that same smile practically glued on his face.

Motoyasu slightly grimaced. "That smile's kinda freaking me out. He can emote more then that right?"  Raphtalia and naofumi shrugged. They barely saw him with a different expression too.

"One that's cheap and obedient will work." He answered as he looked toward the cage that held raphtalia. "In other words, a demihuman if I understand right?" beloukas guessed, his glasses getting a gleam as he looked in naofumi's direction. "These aren't much suited for combat or manual labor." he informed. "Doesn't matter, if I need them in battle, I'll train them." Naofumi said.

"I'd say you did a damn good job at it too." Kage praised. Fil and metly nodded in agreement. It was genuinely impressive. The hero with the least offensive capabilities trained the once weak, sickly girl into a full fledge warrior in such a short amount of time. Naofumi smiled proudly at the girl in question who blushed slightly at the praise.

Ren had to admit she had some decent skill. As a fellow sword wielder, he could respect that. Trash and bitch scowled at the demihuman which earned them a glare from the queen.

Beloukas was amused. "That's an amusing response, when you don't believe in people."

"Gee, I wonder why." Kage thought sarcastically.

"Yea but slaves aren't people. Training one's the same thing as upgrading my shield." His response got a laugh of the slave trader. "Well you got me there, that's for sure." He said as the two walked to raphtalia's cage.

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