Episode 10-In The Midst Of Turmoil

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Raphtalia walked back into the room with a bright smile. "I think our talk went well, wouldn't you say motoyasu?" Said hero walked back into the room white with fear and covered in bruises.

"What did she do to you?" Naofumi asked. 

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." Kage answered, unnerved. Beware the nice ones. "Anyways,  this will cover naofumi and his group's trips to several towns for supplies and info, considering a certain old man kept making his life harder."

Trash scoffed at the "old man" crack but said nothing.

Naofumi looked down in shame. He had a bad feeling how this episode was gonna start. I'm sorry Melty.

The episode started right where it left off. "I can't trust anything you say. Get lost" Naofumi said as he glared down at the younger princess. Melty couldn't believe it. "Please wait! You have to hear me out!" Melty shouted desperately but naofumi was done listening. "I don't have to listen to a damn word that comes out of any of  the filthy royal mouths"

Mirellia wanted to be angry that naofumi talked to her daughter that way. But after seeing how royalty treated him, she couldn't entirely blame him. Besides, it looked like he was kicking himself for that already. No need to make him feel worse.

Naofumi was still looking at the floor. He had every right not to trust the royal family but melty didn't deserve that. Granted she didn't know about what happened but still. He then felt a gentle hand on his back. Lo and behold, it was melty herself.

"Are you alright naofumi?" She asked.

"I should be asking you that. You saw how I treated you. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that." he said with regret clear in his eyes.

She shook her head. "I understand why you didn't trust me. Me being royalty was enough of a reason. That and being malty's sister."

"You still didn't deserve that treatment."

"It's in the past now. I've already forgiven you."

The door suddenly opened and one of melty's bodyguards peeked through the door. "Princess Melty. His royal majesty calls. Please come with us." Melty turned to naofumi but he was done talking. His posture making it clear that he wasn't having it. She lowered her head in defeat. "Very well, i'll go. I have to leave now filo." She turned and left without a word. 

Before melty could even get a sorry out, filo hugged her tightly. "It's ok Mel. It's ok."

Melty smiled and gave into filo's embrace. Not like she had a choice, the girl was way stronger then she looked.

Mel!" Filo called out. But naofumi's voice stopped her. "Filo, no. Don't." Raphtalia gave her a gentle headpat, although she was also saddened by her departure.

Raphtalia hugged filo, who was slightly shaking seeing this happen again. "Naofumi" Kage called out. "You were wondering why melty needed to get to the capital right?" He nodded. "Here's your answer."

As melty walked away dejected, she flashbacked to the last time she talked with her mother. "Melty, I need you to do something for me." Mirellia asked. "Of course." "I want you to return to the capital right away and admonish the king for his unjust and outrageous treatment of the shield hero."

Naofumi's eyes widened. She was sent here to clear my name? She knew who I was the whole time and not once did she treat me like garbage. I would've had my name cleared earlier and yet I just-


The shield hero was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard melty call him. "Stop kicking yourself. You didn't know."

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