Break Chapter: The Reason For My Hatred

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Trash sat down, not caring that the rotten chair may fall apart any second at this point. A few deep breaths later, he finally spoke.

"It's no secret that i'm not exactly fond of demihumans. But that's not for the reason you think. You heard what I said in the previous episode correct?" trash asked, looking at naofumi.

The shield hero nodded. "If the shield and his demihumans do as they please, I'll lose my family again. But what did you mean by losing them?"

Aultcray nodded. "And that's where my story can start. I'm originally from a country known as Faubrey. A country with no discrimination against any races, demihuman or not. I held no hatred against demihumans but that changed when they slaughtered my family."

Raphtalia gasped in shock. Her kind...did that? She couldn't begin to imagine any demihuman doing anything so horrible. "I..never..h-heard of this." She said shaking.

"I imagine you wouldn't. Although, it was done by a specific race of demihumas know as The Hakuko, or the White Tiger. Those in particular are the ones responsible. That day fueled my hatred for them. But what made it worse is when I heard...that they killed my sister." Trash forced out, his eyes shut tightly as the memory played in his head, causing him visible pain. A pool of  blood where is sister once was flashed through his head.

Everyone in the room gasped. He had a sister? And even she wasn't spared. Melty eyes widened. She had an aunt? Keyword: Had. An aunt she would never get to know. She had grandparents she would never get to know.

Even malty, despite knowing aultcray no longer considered her his kid, couldn't help but feel shock and slight heartbreak at the news.

The three heroes looked at each other then back at the shaking king. Same could be said for the girls. 

Naofumi was understanding his hatred for demihumans. But what did he have against the shield. As if reading his thoughts, aultcray continued.

"It was then I traveled and arrived in melromarc. A country where anyone and everyone could be openly hostile to demihumans. This part of my story however, this is where the shield comes in."

Naofumi stiffened. He was finally about to hear why he hated the shield so much. He remained silent as the former king spoke.

"My main goal in this country was to aid Melromarc in it's war against the demihuman country: Siltvelt. As you know, the country worships the shield hero due to his kindness to all demihumans."

Naofumi's eyes widened as he started thinking about what demihumans did to his family. Something then clicked. "Don't tell me.."

Aultcray nodded. "Yes. The shield hero before you fought to the death in that war to defend the demihumans. That war is what brought him to his end. Even with him gone, the shield is still worshipped by all demihumans. And with you here now, I've no doubt you'll see thatb for yourself."

Naofumi spoke up. "So that's why you hate the shield. Demihumans killed your family and the shield protected them. You hated me, because you thought I would bring your family the same fate. And you hate raphtalia just for being a demihuman. It probably reminded you of that day."

"Exactly. My hatred of the shield is something I will always justify. But you Sir Naofumi, you're different. Something that too me far too long to realize." Nobody saw that coming. Sir Naofumi?! Naofumi himself couldn't believe what he just heard.

"The same can be said for raphtalia. It's clear despite being the new shield hero, you're nothing like the previous. The only thing you two have in common is your compassion for demihumans but nothing more. And you young raphtalia have shown me you're nothing like the hakuko."

The two in question weren't prepared for what he did next. Everyone's jaws dropped as the former king dropped to his knees and bowed before them.

 "I know it won't make up for anything i've done, but i'm truly sorry for my unfair treatment of you two. I never gave you a chance to show you were different. And I treated raphtalia like a monster when she was anything but. I even dragged the young filolial into this when she also had nothing to do with it. I don't expect forgiveness especially from you. But i'd like a chance to change. To show you I can make amends for what i've done."

For a while, the room was dead silent. Nobody knew what to say. The heroes:Nothing. The royals:Zip. "Filo:Nada. Eyes swiveled over to naofumi and raphtalia.

The two soaked in everything they heard, including the king's apology. After a while naofumi spoke up first. 

"Tra-no, Aultcray." It was the king's turn to be surprised. He used his name? "You already knew I will never forgive what you did to me. And for what you did or planned to do to raphtalia and filo. But..I am sorry for you loss. And i'll have to think about giving you a chance. You're not exactly out of the doghouse with me. But...Give some time and maybe i'll consider it."

As naofumi went back to his seat, raphtalia kneeled down in front of the king. "I understand your hatred against demihumans and honestly, I don't think i'll ever be able to get over your treatment of them. But I agree with master naofumi. I'm sorry for what happened that day. I've shown you i'm nothing like the ones who killed your family. Now i'll give you a chance to show me you can change."

Aultcray was floored by their responses. They were both willing to give him a chance. Even a small one. He didn't know what to say. How can I atone? That's the question.

"That's something you can figure out in time." A voice appeared in his head. "Kage." Aultcray thought surprised as the god's voiced echoed in his head.

"How much did you hear?" The former king asked.

"Enough. You left out some details but that's fine. You can tell them that at a later date. Just know that won't stay a secret forever."

Trash nodded as the shadow god suddenly appeared in the room, catching everyone's attention. HIs face was serious, a polar opposite to his usual chipper, childish self.

"Everyone, it's time to continue. Take your seats." he commanded.

"Mr kage, what's wrong? You never looked so serious. At least, I think you didn't. Melty asked.

"Again, drop the Mr. And to answer you question, let's just say, we're going down the worlds worst trip down memory lane." He answered as he sent a sorrowful look to raphtalia.

As the screen flickered to left, the god stayed silent. "The next two episodes will be hell on earth for you raphtlalia. But I promise you, you'll be free of that pain soon." He flashbacked to his talk with reiko.


"You think you can handle that?" Kage asked, his silver-haired friend.

"It should be simple enough. When will you tell her?" Reiko asked, her stoic persona returning.

"Once we get through those episodes. I hate seeing her like this."

"You know, you'll owe me for this right?"

"*Sigh* Yea I know. Just make it happen. I'll see you soon." Kage said as he vanished.

*End of Flashback*

"Here we go" Kage thought, as she snapped his fingers. And the screen flickered to life."Raphtalia...for what you're about to relive...Forgive me."

And that's the break chapter done. Next time, we start a painful trip down memory lane for out favorite raccoon girl.

Hope you enjoy the chapter. See you next time

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