Episode 21-Naofumi's Triumphant Return

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After quite a long break, everyone returned to the living room, ready to continue. Naofumi looked over at the god, slightly disturbed. "Kage, what's with that grin?"

"Pop quiz iwatani. What happens in a courtroom?" Kage asked, grinning like the joker. 

Naofumi's eyes widened in realization. This was going to show THAT day. He smirked. "A trial."

"We have a winner. This episode going to show how you, my boy, finally have your name cleared. And as a bonus" Kage looked over at the king and first princess. "We get to see you two get your new nicknames~"

Raphtalia and filo smiled widely. They were going to watch naofumi's name be cleared. The heroes snickered a little as they remembered hearing aultcray and myne's new names for the first time.

Said king and first princess either scowled or looked away slightly embarrassed.

Mirellia frowned. She remembered that day. Especially what she would've done to herself if naofumi hadn't..

Melty put her hand on mirellia's shoulder. "It's ok mother. It's all ok now." Mirellia smiled at her daughter, thankful for her support. But how would the others react?

Everyone sat down as kage killed the lights and started the most satisfying episode of this series.(So far)

The episode started with a visual of a ragged boat washed up on a misty beach. Seagulls cried filled the air as naofumi was there, along with raphtalia, filo and melty. Naofumi stood and looked behind them, seeing ruins of a city with a flag, with a sigil he couldn't quite make out. And then the world went black.

"What the...?" the three heroes muttered

"That dream?" Naofumi muttered.

"Where were we?" raphtalia asked.

"I couldn't tell what was on that flag" melty commented.

"Kage, what was that place?" filo asked

"I'm not sure myself. There are things in your world  i'm still trying to figure out." kage answered.

Naofumi woke up with a startled gasp. He slowly got up from the bed he was in, covered in bandages and stripped of his armor. He looked down to see raphtalia, filo and melty, asleep by his side, the three waiting for him to wake up.

Naofumi smiled at the three. "Wanted to keep me company huh?"

"Did you really expect us to leave you after what happened?" Raphtalia asked

"I wasn't leaving daddy's side no matter what." Filo declared

Melty nodded. "I wanted to see if you were ok. It was the least I could do after you protected me."

Naofumi smiled at the three. "Thank you." He then faced the heroes. "And you three didn't visit because..?"

Itsuki spoke up. "Well...to be fair, the girls were way more worried about you then us

"And also, we still weren't on the greatest terms." ren admitted. "And i'm putting it lightly."

Motoyasu rubbed his head sheepishly  "They were probably annoyed with ren and itsuki at best. But me, I'm positive filo would've literally kicked me out the room. And that's if I was lucky."

Filo nodded in agreement at the kicking part. Raphtalia and melty also nodded in a "That's true" kinda way

Naofumi also nodded. "I can understand that."

"Anybody care to tell me what's going on here?' Naofumi asked bewildered. Naofumi's words woke the girls who all smiled in relief. "Master naofumi." Raphtalia said in relief. Filo crawled along the bed and hugged him tightly.

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