Episode 7-The Savior of the Heavenly Fowl

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After about 20 minutes of the dad hero and raphtalia trying and failing to kill the three cardinal heroes, the two finally settled down to watch the next episode. "Ah, that was fun. However motoyasu, you should shut up and start thinking about your past actions." Kage said, losing his humor.

Motoyasu raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why?"

"You'll see in a moment." And with that the next episode was started. The intro was skipped as kage wanted motoyasu to see his mistake.

The episode started with the trio traveling to a nearby village with a literal cart-lode of herbicide. As naofumi stared at one, he thought back to why they were going there. "I received an order for herbicide shield hero. A village to the south has requested an enormous amount of it and they're requiring it immediately. You're the only one I can ask. You have the heavenly fowl".

Naofumi rolled his eyes at the title. "Seriously, why that?"

Kage shrugged. 

"Why would they need so much herbicide? And why so quickly?" Naofumi thought. 

The trio soon remembered this day. "The village that was overrun by plants." they all thought. The three shot a harsh look to motoyasu who was slowly putting two and two together.

Filo then got his attention. "Master, the plants here are amazing."Naofumi and raphtalia looked around, seeing vines and roots dominating the land around them. "Guess he's right, they needs tons of herbicide." Raphtalia noticed something. "Master naofumi looked there." Naofumi looked ahead and holy crap, they might need more herbicide as the roots and vines led to the village gates.

" Naofumi looked ahead and holy crap, they might need more herbicide as the roots and vines led to the village gates

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Gasps were heard from melty, mirellia, trash, ren and itsuki. Motoyasu's eyes widened. "This-this was the starving village. You mean, I-I did this?" He asked as what he did sunk in.

"Just wait, it gets worse" Kage said bitterly.

Upon seeing the infested gate, naofumi ordered filo to speed up. Upon arriving, naofumi spoke with an elder of the village. "I don't know how to thank you enough. This place was about to fall prey to all the vines too." Raphtalia then spoke up. "How about burning them or did you already try that?" she asked concerned. "Certainly. We've tried everything we could think of. We even resorted to summoning adventurers but the situation is worse then before."

Motoyasu was quiet as he listened to the elder's words. He remembered delivering the seed and the  cheers of gratitude when the people gained food again. He had no idea this would happen. Part of the blame went to myne but he knew he was also to blame.

"Our village was already overrun by the vines. What's worse, the plants turned into monsters and started to attack us." "Monsters?" naofumi asked confused just as a scared scream pierced the air. "Some adventurers went to level up but when they left the village they had no idea what was ahead of them. I begged them to stay."

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