Episode 25-The Rising Of The Shield Hero

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Back in Kage's realm, everyone was still trying to absorb everything they've heard and witnessed. Multiple worlds, different versions of themselves, even...that memory. It was a lot to swallow.

Kage went through their minds, making sure they were ok mentally after what they saw. And their thoughts on the matter weren't too surprising.

Naofumi was shaken and heartbroken, seeing his future lover and daughter die so horribly.

Raphtalia was still saddened upon learning about Filo and Melty's fate, as well as her own.

Filo was still crying about what happened to melty. The filolial girl hadn;t let go of her for a while, and honestly, he didn't blame her. Melty was still shaken about her demise, and fully appreciated Filo's comfort.

The heroes were pale. Seeing the true horror of the waves hit them like a truck. They treated that layer of hell like a game?

Mirellia and Aultcray were brainstorming multiple ways to combat the waves and make sure the heroes and Melty would survive. Seeing their youngest go...it was horrible.

Myne was still stuck on the fact that in another world, she wasn't a bitch. She was honest, happy even. Married, dated. And to a god no less. She held the necklace Hearth had given her, staring at her reflection, pondering if maybe...she should change. Was it too late? Probably

Kage showed no emotion but inwardly, he was horrified by the events. The heroes and princesses' deaths. Especially his younger brother's. Yet what stuck out to him was his origin. "Hearth.."

A portal opened up and Hearth stumbled out of it. "I heard someone call my name..?" he said.

He looked like... he just woke up with a lion on his face. His hair is slightly shriveled, kiss marks were plastered across his face, lips, and neck along with hickeys, his clothes look like he put them on a hurry since some were loosely fitted, he was buckling his belt when he arrived, and held his shoes in his hand.

Kage blinked. "I have several questions"

"Remember that Malty and I were married in an alternate time? Yeah, that version of her," he gestures to himself from head to toe. "Did this." he answered, clearly not noticing everyone's bewildered "WTF" faces.

"You pushed me back home so you could let laid in peace?" kage asked, deadpanning

"No, she wanted to lay on me. Not so I could get laid." Hearth corrected. "She was looking for her necklace, I showed it to her, and it escalated to a full blown intercourse." He explained.

"That doesn't make it any better." Motoyasu said

"And the kiss marks are from...?" Melty trailed off.

"And why do you have bite marks?" Filo asked, tilting her head

Hearth waved them off. "When you're older." He then fixed himself.

Kage looked at him worried, speaking to him telepathically. "You alright? And don't bullshit me. You know I can tell when you're lying."

"You want me to show you our intercourse?" Hearth replied telepathically before smirking, "I didn't know you were a perv. What would Lyla say?" he teased.

Kage blushed before scoffing. "She would say "Answer the damn question!" And you know damn well I don't mean 'that'."

"Look I'm fine, Akatsuki. Really. Trust me, when you start losing people you know, especially mortals, you gotta move on. Us gods have to." He told him.

Kage stared him down for a moment before sighing. "Fine. But if you think I'm not gonna worry about you, you're outta your mind." he said, giving his brother a gentle headpat. "You don't have to give me details. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll come running. Got it?"

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