Break Chapter:Kage and Hearth-Who are they?

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Hearth teleported into Kage's living room and looked at everyone, who were now back on their seats after getting a break while the gods were gone.

Kage soon appeared and slammed Hearth on the head. "You know I hate when you drop info bombs then dip." he said annoyed

Hearth snickered as a bump on his head grew like a balloon similar to bumps in the cartoons. He presses down the bump till it disappears back into his head.

Kage growled at him before addressing the audience. "Now then, before we move on with the next episode, I believe we owe you an explanation."

This got the other's attention. What could be so important they'd hold off on seeing their future?

"If I recall correctly, you were all curious as to who I was and how different I was from Kage. Especially if I was capable of showing the future as well as other abilities that Kage doesn't have." Hearth recalled

"That's true. This whole "god" thing. That title isn't exactly for show is it? You two aren't just really powerful people with god complexes?" Ren asked suspiciously.

"No and No." Hearth answered. "We're actual gods. But we're different from the most common ones."

Hearth swiped his right hand but nothing happened. He blinked his eyes and tried again but still nothing. He then smacked himself in the head. "Right, not my realm." He looks at Kage. "Can we head to my realm for this?"

Kage nodded. His red eyes flashed before everyone in the room, himself and Hearth included, vanished. At first the audience saw nothing but black. But once their vision returned, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

In front of them was a large white misty body looking at the vast universe in front of them. The body was at least 15ft tall. It turned around and in its eyes were two blue suns.

 It turned around and in its eyes were two blue suns

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"Welcome to my realm." a loud booming voice echoed in everyone's head. "This is one of my true forms but it is still the same vampiric god you know from earlier." the misty entity said.

"So this is what you really look like?" Motoyasu asked in disbelief

"Then why'd you look different back in Kage's realm?" Melty asked.

Hearth looked down and everyone followed his gaze, showing that he was floating above the white platform that they are all standing on rather than standing on it. He then lowers himself, letting his toes hit the white platform. As he did, everyone immediately felt like a huge weight of gravity shifted, causing them all to kneel or fall to the ground. Kage was the only exception as he barely felt it.

"Wha-what is this?" motoyasu groaned

"It'" Itsuki struggled

"I-I...can't move. What did he do?" Aultcray asked in shock

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