Episode 13-The Devil Of The Shield

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Kage spared melty a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry for making you revisit this kiddo." He then spared mirellia and surprisingly, trash, the same look. "And I'm sorry for what you're about to see."

 He then looked at myne with complete disgust. "And you can go f*ck yourself! Nothing you do in this episode especially can ever be forgiven!"

The episode picked up where it left off with naofumi blocking the knights attempt at cutting down Melty. "What the hell are you doing?!" Naofumi asked shocked and confused. The knight then spoke, almost like this was scripted. "Curse you! How dare you take the royal princess melty hostage!" Naofumi was even more confused. "I'm not taking anybody hostage."

Ren narrowed his eyes as he listened to the way the knight spoke. "Is this whole thing scripted?"

Naofumi nodded. "Something like that."

Meanwhile trash was still in shock at what he just saw. "Melty.."

Kage actually felt an iota of sympathy for trash. "It only gets worse from here."

Naturally, the knight didn't listen. "You're a liar! Fellow knights, justice is ours! Let's destroy this devil of the shield!" And with that, the knights charged.

"Devil of the shield huh? I wonder where that came from?!" Naofumi asked, understandably pissed.

Malty shrunk in fear at the demonic look in naofumi's eyes.

The three heroes looked on in shock. To think the knights would actually go along with assassinating melty. They then looked at each other. "And we were duped into helping." They clenched their fists, disgusted with themselves.

Mirellia was actually shaking with rage. She had a few choice words for those knights when they were released.

Naofumi was less the thrilled about his new "nickname". "Terrific, so now I've become a devil huh?" He changed his shield and prepared to defend melty. "Raphtalia! Filo!" The battle was on. Raphtalia easily took down two knights while filo turned in her bird form and sat on some of them.

"Good control. You're giving them love taps at best. Nothing too serious." kage said, impressed. "Although, was sitting on them necessary filo?"

"What? We were just trying to stop them, not hurt them." FIlo said.

Kage thought for a moment before nodding. "Fair point."

 Naofumi blocked some attacks of his as he held melty close to him. All the while two more knights in the back were smirking as unbeknownst to the trio, the crystal ball was recording everything they were doing. All according to plan. Smug bastards.

"What's that crystal ball for?" Motoyasu asked.

Kage narrowed his eyes at the screen. "You'll see soon enough."

Trash watched on in shock. He wasn't aware of this. As far as he was concerned back then, this was another attempt to ruin naofumi. And in a way it was. "Thi-This can't be.."

Kage spared him a glance. "You're seeing the truth for yourself Aultcray. But just wait. You ain't seen nothing yet."

Raphtalia and filo took down several more knights, not noticing how they went down too easily, lied still as if they were dead, or pretended to die in front of them. The knights in the back nodded at each other. That was all they needed. "Full retreat!" One ordered with a sh*t eating grin. The knights retreated but in a way that made them look like they were running for their lives.

"Bastards.." Naofumi muttered to himself.

Filo and raphtalia on the other hand, never let got of malty who was shaking as she remembered this whole event.

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