Episode 11-Catastrophe Returns

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Kage snapped his fingers and the three reappeared in the room. Naofumi looked over at the shadow god. "You were listening weren't you?" Kage nodded. "I heard everything. And what happened in there will stay with me until you're ready to speak of it." Kage said, fully sincere.

He then turned to everyone. "Now then, for this episode we'll be seeing how everyone fought during the 2nd wave. And only those who were there will understand what I mean when I say, that SHE will appear in this episode."

Mirellia, trash and melty were confused by that last part. However, naofumi's group, the heroes, and myne all exchanged a look. They knew exactly who he was referring to.

The episode started with naofumi's group, erhard, and ake's group all behind erhard's shop. With barely 5 minutes until the wave hit, they quickly stocked up on a crapload of weapons and supplies. Erhard spoke up. "It's almost that time. Along with the potions, I threw in some leftover weapons I had laying around. They'll make for decent backups."

The three heroes looked at each other. "You think we should pay that shop a visit?" motoyasu asked.

"We should. It's clear he knows what he's doing, he can make some armor perfect for a hero, and he just seems like a good guy." Ren commented

"You three are welcome too. He could use the extra business." Naofumi commented before he smirked. "But don't be surprised if he treats you like crap for being involved with myne and her crap~" Naofumi teased.

The three heroes paled. "D-don't even joke about t-that man." itsuki stammered out while naofumi and his group snickered.

"Master naofumi's kidding....probably~" Raphtalia joked, making them pale more.

"N-not cool you guys." Motoyasu stammered.

"Thank you so much" Raphtalia said grateful. Erhard continued. "Still, i'm pretty impressed you're able to stock up on so much medicine in so little time." Naofumi didn't agree. "This still might not be enough. There's no way we can tell what'll happen during the wave."

Trash sighed. "That's the sad truth. We've had two waves so far during this show. Granted you four weren't here for the first one, but that one alone taught us we couldn't predict a thing. Any strategies my knights made fell apart in an instant."

The four heroes had to agree. These waves were unpredictable. Naofumi glanced at trash in surprise. "He said you four. Did he actually acknowledge me?" He thought surprised.

Kage caught that as well. Interesting

Erhard laughed. "If you're being that careful, you won't have to worry at all." Naofumi then turned to raphtalia. " Oh right. Hold out your hand raphtalia." She did just so and naofumi slipped a golden bracelet.

"A present for your wife? How thoughtful~" Motoyasu teased.

Ren and itsuki sputtered over their laughter and melty had to cover her mouth to hide her own mirth. Naofumi and raphtalia blushed beat red.

"Motoyasu." Said hero looked over at naofumi and paled when he saw his face. "Shut. Up." Not wanting a repeat of the last beatdown, motoyasu quickly clamped his mouth shut.

Naofumi and raphtalia calmed down but then saw filo and melty's shoulders shaking with laughter. The two deadpanned them. "Traitors." They muttered.

Raphtalia was surprised. "What's that?" Erhard held a wide grin as he eyed the bracelet. "Its got a spell to boost your mana generation." Erhard lost that grin as he rubbed the back of his head. "Helluva present for a lady."

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