Episode 14-Everlasting Memory

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Kage didn't waste anytime and started the episode. Here goes

The episode started with with myne leading a line of archers with flaming arrows ready to fire. As well as mages ready to cast fire magic. "Now fire!" Myne commanded and with no hesitation, fire arrows and fireballs rained into the forest, setting everything ablaze in an instant.

Trash growled under his breath. He was completely unaware of this.

Myne turned to the leader of the knights. "The lords of melromarc will finally pay attention." The leader of the knights kneeled before her. "As you wish." Myne then said something to him but no sound played. But whatever she said made him smirk. "Your will shall be done."

Mirellia narrowed her eyes at the screen. For one, she had some "Choice" words for that knight. And what did she mean by "the lords of melromarc will finally listen"?

From further down the mountain, naofumi, raphtalia, filo and melty looked on at the raging flames. "That's no ordinary forest fire is it?" Raphtalia asked horrified. "Got that right. I bet myne's the one behind it. I guess she thinks she can smoke us out." Naofumi said as melty and filo looked on in horror.

"Nice work raphtalia. We would've been in that if you didn't smell the smoke." Naofumi praised.

Raphtalia nodded. She then noticed melty and filo shaking, remembering how horrifying the fire looked and how they were nearly in that. She hugged the two tightly, whispering reassuring word to them.

The three heroes looked on growling. A forest fire?! She'd go this far?!

Aultcray sighed in irritation. Make that another thing I wasn't aware of.

Kage looked at the former king. That's right. He was shown the false evidence via those crystal balls. He also thought naofumi kidnapped melty.

"That fire's gonna make it's way down the mountain fast. Let's move." As the night became morning, the mountain was left with a giant black scorch mark from the fire. Naofumi was in the nearby town, getting info from a merchant.

"D-did he really not recognize you because you were wearing your hood? He could see your face." Motoyasu asked.

"I don't get it either but it worked. Plus I did make sure to hide my shield so that probably helped" Naofumi said shrugging.

"I mean, he probably didn't have many options for a disguise anyway." Ren commented.

"What else could he do, put on a fake mustache?" itsuki asked jokingly

The girls imagined naofumi with a fake mustache and snickered to themselves.

Kage shape-shifted his face into naofumi's, complete with a fake mustache. "No. I am not ze shield hero." he said, putting on a really bad french accent for some reason.

Naofumi rolled his eyes while the others laughed.

Trash and mirellia looked on, sweatdropping.

"I never knew a god could be this immature."

"He has his moments but I must agree."

Myne simply facepalmed at the spectacle.

With that dumb joke out of the way and with some much needed levity, they moved on.

"Checkpoint's been closed and there's emergency security forces all along the border." The merchant explained. "Gonna be tough to cross over to siltvelt for a while. That's for sure. Seems to me The devil of the shield abducted the little princess melty and is hold up somewhere around here."

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