Episode 9-Melty

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Kage reappeared in the room after some time. Thankfully it was plenty because everyone seems to have calmed down after the whole "Curse shield" situation. Once everyone noticed he was there, he spoke.

"Now then, for this episode we'll be getting our final member of naofumi's party, Melty." Filo gasped and tackled her friend in an excited hug, nearly knocking them off the couch. Naofumi and raphtalia looked down them smiling in amusement at filo's excitement and melty nearly going blue as filo squeezed her.

Once the two pried filo off her, the show got started.

The episode started with the trio taking on insect-like monsters on a rocky cliffside. Raphtalia panting from exhaustion and pushing herself. Not good considering her recent injuries. "You ok?" naofumi asked concerned. "Uh huh" Filo then came in and kicked one of the monsters to kingdom come and also decided to check on her sister. "Raphtalia, you ok?" Raphtalia nodded.

"You guys didn't need to fuss over me like that" Raphtalia said.

"Yes we did" Filo argued.

"Exactly. You were still injured from that battle. Of course we were gonna worry." Naofumi said, not allowing any argument.

Raphtalia looked back at the screen with a bashful smile. She wasn't a fan of being babied but she appreciated that they cared.

"I'm the one who agreed to take this job. You don't have to force yourself to keep up." naofumi said. Raphtalia didn't agree. "No, i'll be fine. Master naofumi, don't forget i'm the one who begged you to let me fight." "I know but still-" She cut him off with a smile. "We're almost finished anyway." naofumi looked back at her, concern written all over his face.

Naofumi copied his onscreen counterpart. Even now he was concerned for her well-being. Raphtalia put a gentle hand on his shoulder letting him know she was fine. She gave filo a gentle headpat when the filolial queen looked at her with concern in her eyes. "I'm ok you two. I promise."

Later the trio were walking through a calm forest. "Thank goodness we managed to finish that job" Raphtalia said. "Aw I wanted to fight some more. I was having fun." Filo whined.

"Fighting monsters isn't a game filo." Naofumi lightly scolded. "Sorry Master" filo said. Motoyasu smirked. "Don't you mean dad?" he teased. Filo glared at him. "Spear guy" Motoyasu quickly looked back at the screen with a cold sweat. "Shutting up."

Naofumi looked at raphtalia concerned as he flashbacked to when she got those burns. "We'll start heading back to the capital tomorrow." Naofumi said, surprising raphtalia. "So you're wrapping up the trading trip already?" "Yes. Your treatment takes priority. We have to get to the capital's church. We need some pretty powerful holy water to dispel that curse."

"You didn't have to-" Raphtalia was cut off. "Yes I did. You were hurt because of me and I wasn't going to let you suffer those injuries. I said it before and i'll say it again, you come first." naofumi said.

Filo jumped onto raphtalia hugging her. Raphtalia chuckled at the younger girl and hugged her back.

"But I-" But naofumi cut her off before she could argue. "We still have a long way. You have to take it easy." "Ok." Filo then chimed in. "Raphtalia, I hope you get better real soon. "Thanks filo. I'm gonna be fine." "Good." 

Filo hugged her a little tighter and yet all raphtalia did was pat her head gently. "See filo, I told you I was gonna be fine." She said softly.

Filo then heard something in the distance. "Master listen. Something's going on over there." She gestured to her right and they saw a young girl with blue hair, tied in pigtails, surrounded by filolials. "Is that?" naofumi started to ask before stepping on a branch, alerting all them. 

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