Chapter 2

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I here muffled voices as I'm waking up on a unbelievably comfortable bed with a horrible headache and a sharp pain between my legs. It's probably me just having another growth spurt so I'm choosing to ignore it. I can't really hear them that well so I try to get up but realize I don't know where I am and that the room that i am in a room that is way to dark.

I get up and start to walk but walk into something, it seems to feel like a dresser. I quickly understand this really isn't my room because this shouldn't be here from my memory of where I put everything. I must be at my dads friends house already. I carefully find my way back to the bed and start to look for my phone to find the time but come to the conclusion that who ever is here with me probably has it. So I try to find the door.

It's way to dark in this room. I've always hated the dark since I was ten. I would try not to hyperventilate while being in the dark but it would never work. I'm breathing hard and already feeling lightheaded.

I finally find the door, it took forever because the room was so dark. I turn the knob and the first this I see is a light that seems to be coming from the front of the apartment.  I take a large sign in relief that I'm no longer in the dark. I follow the light and soon see the front door. I walk into view to see a guy sitting on the couch with his back facing me, I quickly feel like I recognize him and what seems to be a coffee table in front of him with my phone on it.

" Hi i said ( very slowly walking around the couch to see his face) I know I just got here or just woke up here and that I have no clue where I am or who you are but do you think I could have my phone back real quick so could call my parents for a sec pl-e-" I said finally making my way all the around the couch seeing his face and remembering who he is.

I gasp at the sight of who I'm seeing. "No no u-m n-o- h-e- he wouldn't do thi-s" I mumbled under my breath feeling frightened.

I'm breathing heavy, rubbing the back of my neck and looking around while backing up towards the balcony door.

He stands up and starts slowly walking towards me. "Emery calm down ok I'm not going to hurt you I promise". He says walking towards me more. I slightly laugh hyperventilating at the fact he just said that. Does he really think that saying that is going to make me feel safe around him after what he did to me in the past.

I continue looking around with my hands in my hair trying to control my breathing. I reach the open balcony door and slip on the step of the door looking down at what I just did and regaining my balance quickly looking back up at him, putting my arms out telling him to stay away backing up some more.

He quickly run towards me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me back with him away from the 3 story high balcony without railing that I almost fell off of. " Be careful you could've fallen" he said looking down at me still holding on to me by my waist while I'm hyperventilating in his arms.

I push him away falling back onto the wall and crashing into a pottery plant holder breaking it cutting my foot threw my socks and my hand by falling. My vision quickly goes blurry as I fall towards the ground. I feel arms wrap themselves around me before my head hits the floor and a hissss from him sounding like he's in pain.


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