Chapter 81

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Emery's POV

I can't look at him. I can't. It hurts to much. It hurts to breath, it hurts to talk, it hurts to think, everything hurts. I want to be done. I don't want to do this anymore.

I'm hate the fact that I have to keep going but I don't have a choice. The one thing I wish most in the world is for everything to just stop but there are to many people that need me.

I can't even tell Elliot what he did because it would break him. He wouldn't be able to believe that he hurt me. I wouldn't even be able to say what just happened out loud.

I'm just going to let him finish the glass so that it doesn't happen again and try to forget about it.

Even thinking the words 'try to forget about it' is bullshit.  I know with my entire mind that I would not be able to forget that.

"Can we just finish the glass please?" I asked looking down at the ground as more tears keep coming.

I'm trying not to break down and start sobbing but it's taking almost everything in me.

"No, Emery what happened what did I do?" He asked stepping closer.

I stepped back swiftly still not looking at him.

"Please, I can't say that out loud. Please just help me and forget about it please"

"Emery I can't forget about it. I hurt you. I don't even know what happened. I was taking glass out of your stomach, and then I'm sitting on top you with my hands all over you. You were shirtless and said please. That's it that's all I remember"

"Stop Elliot. I can't. Not right now. I'm begging you. Just help me" I said with my arms crossed and looking at the ground. S

"Ok, I'll stop. But I need you to tell me eventually" he said stepping closer. 

I backed up again running into the chair behind me.

"Please stop"

He sighed and took a step back.

"Alright well when your ready I'll help you with your legs"

I walked closer and sat on the couch. I can't look at him. It will hurt more.

I get back up and walk into the kitchen grabbing a pair of scissors. There's glass in my legs so I can't just take my jeans off.

I walk back into the living room looking anywhere other then Elliot. 

"I can't just take off my pants I have glass in my legs" I said sitting down on the couch.

He didn't say anything as I rested my foot on the table in front of us and began cutting my pants open from the ankle up.

"Is it bad? Do you know?"

He tried taking off my pants and dragged a pice of glass through skin. So yes that I recall it's bad.

"Yes" my voice cracked. I stopped crying but am still holding back tears.

I finished cutting open my jeans and opened them so that the front of my legs are exposed. My legs are covered in blood and glass.

"Ok, let me know if you want me to stop" he said scooting closer

I almost scooted away but caught myself. I took a deep breath as he began taking the glass out.

The feeling of skin on mine makes me want to cry. I don't want him touching me but if I refused to let him help me he could hurt me again.

I feel forced by the fact that I could get hurt. He doesn't even know what he did. My neck still hurts my whole body hurts.

I feel empty and broken. My Brother. My brother. The one that I actually believed wouldn't hurt me like that, did.

And it hurts it hurts like hell. I'm crying again. As tears fall off my face. I cover my mouth and turn my head. I'm trying I really am.

The feeling of him touching me is like torture. I beg him to stop but I don't want to get hurt again.

"Did I-"

"Elliot I cant. I'm sorry" I can't answer any of his questions. I'm barely breathing right now.

"Emery please. At least tell me if I made this worse"

"I can't. I'm sorry. I really am. Please. Just leave it alone"

"It's ok. I have to stitch this though. The glass made a long cut"

I know which one he is talking about without even looking at it.

"Please just let me know if you want me to stop. I won't h-"

"Please don't tell me your not going to hurt me" I said looking at my hands in my lap I still can't look at him.

"Ok, this may hurt" he said as he started stitching.

I didn't realize how high the glass was until I felt his hands. I can't breath. I can't breath at all.

I'm not crying anymore I won't allow myself to. Not anymore.

Elliot's POV

I don't know what I did but I know it's bad. It's killing me not knowing.

I hurt her. When I got off her, she looked like it was taking everything she had in her not to cry.

I don't even know what happened.
She won't even look at me.

I promised her I wouldn't hurt her and now I did but I don't even know how.

She's crying and I want to comfort her but she's barely letting me touch her. I surprised she's letting me take the glass out of her legs.

Emery's POV

He's stitching my thigh and I just want him to stop touching me. My chest hurts from not being able to breath.

I want to cry. It's literal torture to let someone that you don't want touching you, touch you.

I hate the fact that I can't tell him. I her the fact he did that to me. And I know I should but I can't.

He really asked me why I don't want him to see me. He got on top of me after pulling my pants down to my thighs, kissed my neck, choked me, lifted his hand up my shirt and touch my chest, he took my shirt of, he kissed my chest. He did all that like it was nothing to him.

I can't even believe he did that. He just stopped caring and hurt me.

I can't even think right now.

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