Chapter 48

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It's lunch time now I've already gone through more then half of my classes and I just got back from gym. After this all I have is math and then I'm done with today.

I can't stop thinking about what Alex said. Why would he be giving Mr. Nelson information about me. Why would Alex get away with late assignments for it to. What was Mr. Nelson getting out of this. Why is he so concerned about me.

"Did you ask?" Alex said joining me at the table and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked not knowing what he is talking about.

"If I can go to your place and study" he said eager to know.

"Oh no not yet" I said.

"Well call and ask, after this it's our last class" he said.

"Fine" I said pulling out my phone.

"Not here your gonna get it taken" he said taking my phone out of my hand.

"Grab your plate and deal with it" he said getting up.

I got up and threw away my styrofoam plate with perfectly good food that I kinda wanted to eat and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Follow me" he said walking outside towards the bleachers.

"We're gonna get in trouble" I said looking around for teachers.

"Oh please, I'm not that bad of an influence" he said smiling as he stoped walking.

"Here" he said taking my phone of his pocket.

I rolled my eyes and went to Ashton's contact and hit the call button.

After two rings it picked up.

-Ashton- Emery are you ok? What's wrong?

-Emery- No I'm fine, I just have to ask you something.

-Ashton- oh well what's up.

-Emery- Remember Alex my friend I told you about well he's a little irresponsible.

I tried to finish but Alex pushes me in the arm.

"Oh you stupid bitch"I said accidentally into the phone while I smacked Alex hard in the head.

-Ashton- Emery what's going on?

-Emery- nothing just Alex is being an idiot. Anyways he needs to study because he didn't do his assignment like I said he should for English and now he wants know if he can come over today after school. I told him I had to ask you first.

-Ashton- yeah that's fine but how is he gonna get here I thought you weren't allowed to add people on the bus if they aren't regular rider.

-Emery- He has a car.

-Ashton- put me on speaker.

I put him on speaker so that Alex could here.

-Emery- your on speaker.

-Ashton- Alex?

-Alex- yes sir.

-Ashton- you can come over after school but you better drive right and keep your hands to yourself do you understand.

-Alex- yes sir.

I took Ashton off speaker and tried not to laugh at how scared Alex looked.

-Emery- thanks Ashton.

-Ashton- no problem but I want your room door open when he gets here.

I laughed, said ok a hung up the phone.

It's now the end of the day and I'm waiting for Alex to hurry up so that we can get going.

"Where have you been, you take forever" I said finally seeing Alex as he walked up to me. More like ran.

"RUN" he yelled passing me.

I looked behind him and saw a group of football players running after him.

I ran as fast as I could but some how they caught up to me.

"Alex run take my bag" I said tossing it to him.

"Oh no you don't"one of the guys said taking my bag before Alex could catch it.

"What do you want shit face?" I asked looking at the guy holding my arm way to tightly.

"To fuck you and then we'll leave your friend alone" he said hold my neck in place with one hand and kissing my it.

I kneed him in the dick and then punched him on the face. That didn't do any good becuse one of his friends had one hell of a slap on me because now I can taste blood in my mouth. I punched the guy in the face grabbed my bag and ran towards Alex's car.

"DRIVE" I said as I got in.

"Jesus Emery your bleeding" he said as he drove out of the parking lot.

I looked in the mirror and realized my cheek is cut from the ring that guy was wearing when he slapped me.

"Your arm, I shouldn't of ran, fuck" he said hitting the stirring wheel.

"Ok first of I told you to run, second I'm fine, and third I fucked them up pretty good as well so chill" I said looking down at my arm and seeing a hand print forming as a bruise.

"I saw, where the fuck did you lean to fight like that" he said pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

I didn't live far from the school maybe just a mile.

"It was nothing just forget it" i said getting out of the car.

I pissed as hell. That mother fucker really thought I was just gonna hand my self over to him. Huh like a piece of property. What the fuck is wrong with people.

"Emery, breath" Alex said getting out of the car.

"Clearly I'm breathing, why the hell are you telling me to breath" I said yelling at the top of my lungs.

"Your crying" he said hugging me.

I didn't realize it until he said something but i am. Its just people think they can just take you and kiss you how every the hell they want, or do what ever the fuck they want to you and it pisses me off.

"I'm fine, let's just go up stairs" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

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