Chapter 5

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"Alright wait here babygirl I'll go get your bag". He said as he walked out of the bed room and into the living room.

" Ok here you go I'll go change in the living room just let me get my clothes ok?" He as heading towards the dresser.

"It's fine just get dressed and don't look at me" I said as I took the towel off my freezing cold body.

" Emery I don't think that's a good idea" he said as he probably finishes getting his clothes.

"It's took late I'm already getting dressed and your still here, just get dressed" I said feeling slightly uncomfortable with what I just did.

"Alright fine but you know the deal you keep your eyes over there and I'll keep mine over here".

"I'm already done Ashton but ok" I said zipping my bag back up.

"Done, I'm turning around now though so be ready". He said

" Ok you have some expla" he stoped talking and got side tracked by my out fit. I really didn't think it would be a problem.

"Ash? Hello? What happened to eyes up here?" I asked which just so happens to snap him out of his day dreaming for a second until he went back to staring at my chest again.

"Ashton? Are you listening to me? Stop string at me. Do I need to change my outfit?"

" No it's fine I'm sorry it won't happen again" he said obviously trying focus on my face but filing miserably.

I put on another shirt over my tank top. I was wearing light brown tie dye sweat pants and a spaghetti strap tank top with clearly wasn't enough clothing.

"I'm sorry Emery I really didn't mean to stair" he said sounding considerate.

"It's fine what did you want to talk about?" I asked ready to go bed already because I'm tired.

"What happened back there? One minute you standing up perfectly fine and talking back the next your shaking like crazy and falling onto the floor. Was it because of how i touched you and you felt uncomfortable?" He asked I stop breathing after he worded his second sentence. I know It shouldn't bother me but it dose which is why the  fraise touches you should be used more often around me so I could get used to it and it won't effect me anymore. That's just how healing works, you work through your pain.

"1 I fainted from an anxiety attack, 2 yes it was because of ( I froze for a second before i used a term that more than slightly bothers me) how you t-(breath Emery breath I thought to myself) touched me, 3 yes I was uncomfortable. I said walking out of the bedroom with my towel to clean up the water in the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" He asked following me.

"To clean up the mess in the bathroom we created". I said throwing the towel on the floor

"Oh, don't I'll do it, you just fainted you shouldn't be up moving around". He said trying to clean up the mess on the floor that I'm already cleaning

" Ash I fainted I didn't get shot, I'm fine please don't argue with me I faint all the time it's nothing I'm not used to". I said continuing to clean up the water on the floor.

"Uh why are you fainting all the time that's not something your young body should be going through, please stop cleaning and look at me Emery" he said trying to get me to look at him.

I really wish he would stop talking like that. The young body, babygirl is really getting to me and I don't like it.

I knew I shouldn't of said that, he won't drop this now. I sigh, stop cleaning and look at him.

"Just stress and school and stuff. It's fine please just drop it. Before we slip and get hurt". I said praying he would just leave it alone.

"Fine, but don't think we're done talking about this. We just have a lot more stuff to talk about tomorrow now.

"Alright I'm done cleaning up the water now so we can go to bed" I said heading to the couch.

" Emery where do you think your going? He asked as I was about to the corner.

"To the couch" I said about to lay down but he pulled me off and into his arms.

"No Emery your not sleeping on the couch neither of us are. Now come on". He said roughly pulling me into the hallway.

"Ok first of all your hurting me so please stop for a second, second I'm not sleeping with you if that's what you think is about to happen". I said as he continued to drag into his room.

"Ash please, your really hurting me". I said in more pain this time from him dragging me by my wrist.

He quickly let me go and realized what he was doing.

"Emery I'm sorry I didn't realize". He said letting go of my wrist and stepping back away from me.

"It's fine, I'm okay" I said gripping my wrist.

"Can I see it?" He asked stepping forward as I stepped back for a second.

I walked closer to him and put my wrist in his hands.

"Fuck, you've been here less than a day and I've already hurt you twice" he said letting go of my wrist and sitting on the bed looking disappointed.

I know I might regret what I'm about to do but I hate seeing people beat themselves up and I feel bad.

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