Chapter 43

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I'm worried sick about Emery. She was supposed to be here when I got back. This is why I never leave her home alone.

I just called John and talked to Emery apparently she has everything in check but that doesn't mean I don't worry about her.

It's been almost an  hour now and she still isn't home. What if she is dead.

I'm sitting on the couch looking at her math book that she was doing when I left. How could one 14 year old girl deal with so much and still have control over what she dose or how she acts.

The door opens and my head turns fast. I see Emery walking in with John and some girl.

"Hey, I'm sorry I left I just had to deal with him" she said walking up to me and hesitantly hugging me.

"Are you ok?" Are you hurt?" I asked pulling back.

"I'm not hurt I only got hit once, I'll probably just have a bruise but that's it" Emery said walking to the counter to pull out a chair.

"This is Ava, she is Johns sister, one of the reasons I went with John" Emery said looking at the bruise on Ava's cheek.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't take her home like this" John said looking at me.

"It's fine, how bad is she hurt though?" I asked walking over to Ava.

"I'm fine, they didn't really hurt me to bad other then-" Ava said stuttering over her words.

"It's ok, we understand, trust me" Emery said putting a hand on her shoulder.

She looked away and began to cry.

"Hey, if you ever need someone to just go get drunk with or chill around with, or just talk to, you know I'm here right" Emery said looking at her face.

"Yeah" she said chuckling.

"Minus the drunk part right?" John said.

"No" Emery said laughing.

"After the shit your sister has been through, she's gonna need a couple roam free days" Emery said looking at John serious.

Both John and I looked down at the ground while Ava and Emery started laughing.


"Emery can I talk to you for a sec?" John asked making me look from the cut on Ava's shoulder to John.

"Yeah, Ashton can you help her please, and try not to do anything stupid" I said looking at him with a smile but serious.

"Seriously, What have I ever done that was stupid" he said looking at me with crossed arms.

I looked at him like he was stupid and I guess he got the point because he said fine.

I walked with John into my room and closed the door a little bit not all the way.

"What's up?" I said taking off my shoes and then my jacket and hung it up in the closet.

"What are you doing?" John asked turned around.

"If I'm gonna be in my room for the time being I might as well get into something comfortable because I'm not planning on being in here for the rest of the night" I said looking through my shirt drawer.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"I'm gonna be out there hanging out with Ashton and you and your sister if you plan on staying a little while" I said finally deciding on a oversized white shirt.

"Oh, well I just wanted to thank you for helping me and putting your life on the line for me, there was a couple times I don't think I would have been able to do it with out you" he said turning around as I pulled my shirt of facing the closet.

I know I said I don't regret killing all those people today but part of me feels like I didn't have the right to.

"It's was nothing I promise, were friends aren't we" I said about to put my shirt on before he stopped me.

"Wait.....can I see it?" He asked cautiously.

I stoped putting my shirt on and let my back be bare.

"What did he do?" He asked dragging his fingers along the scar.

"When he hit me with the rock or battery or what ever it was, it sliced open my back, and he hit the same part over and over again so he had damaged a part of shoulder blade and the doctors had to fix it" I said now putting on my shirt.

"Oh, that bad huh" he asked stepping back.

"Yeah, which is why I don't know how your sister isn't in worse condition than I was" I said turning to look at him.

"He wasn't going to hurt her like he did with you, he just wanted his money, and to teach me a lesson" he said putting his hand around the back of his neck.

"Well he won't be teaching anymore lessons now let's go"I said walking out before be stoped me by grabbing my arm.

"Emery wait, I have to tell you something" he said looking me in the eyes.

"What's up?" I said slightly chuckling because I'm scared of what he is about to say.

"Well I didn't realize it until I saw Jace hit you, or that guy point a gun at you but....." he said pausing and turning a round so he wasn't facing me.

"John what is it?" I asked worried.

"I have feelings for you" he said turning around to face me.

I stoped breathing. I am in a room with a guy that is not only a couple years older then me but an adult and now he's telling me he has feelings for me. I just had my shirt off in front of him, what if I'm giving him the wrong impression. I never thought Ashton would hurt me the way he did a couple months ago but he did. Now I'm sitting here wondering how well I know John and come to think of it, I don't know him at all.

"Emery?" John asked stepping closer as I backed up scared.

"John I can't, you know that, you older then me, an adult, I'm 14, I can't do anything relationship wise with you because that would be crossing my boundaries I set for myself. I'm sorry I just can't, I don't see you like that" I said with my hand on the door nob.

At first he looked mad, now he just looks hurt. I don't know whether to be scared or sorry.

He stepped closer again, and now I'm uncomfortable. I open the door wide letting him know I don't want to do anything and he looked upset. I'm scared of what he would do now. Of course I would fight him and everything but I wouldn't want to.

"I'm sorry, Emery" he said walking past me out the door.

I sighed in relief as Ashton walked to my door that I was standing against trying to catch my breath.

"What's going on?" He asked stepping closer then I liked.

"I'll tell you later, but for now try to keep me away from John, just please do it and don't ask any questions right now" I whispered.

He nodded and we walked into the living room.

I still have the thumb drive in my bra I guess it will have to stay there until I can show it to Ashton.

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