"Baby Daddy huh?"

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I'm freaking out the more I see story posts, tweets, and articles. I mean yes, I did wanna be with Colson. BUT NOT LIKE THIS !

Pete lets out a slight cough.

Here we go .

Pete: Okay so, I uh.. I probably seem like the biggest asshole in this situation but like c'mon... You both like each other.

Mia: Yeah.. Your chemistry is pretty undeniable.

Mia stands next to Pete, in front of the kitchen sink with their arms both crossed.

Bella takes a bite of an apple. "Oh so like you and Pete, Mia?"

Damn. Double Homicide. Two couples in the friend group.

Petes face turn a little red, he rubs the back of his neck. Mia fiddles with her leather jacket.

Pete: Um, anyways.. You both know you like each other. This is no secret, so you just tell the media that you are together you just weren't ready to make it official.

"You date for six months and then, poof. No more media on your ass." Pete says sounding pretty confident in himself.

"Dude, you might be ri-" Colson says but is interpreted by Bella.

Bella: SHHHHH. SHHHH. Shut up Sam and Colby! Travis just posted on his story.

Bella laughs hysterically and everybody checks their phone.

It's Travis giving a congratulating shout out on his instagram story..

Everybody starts laughing except me and Colson.

Mia: He didn't even check to confirm if it was official or not.

Colson: Lemme call him right now.

Colson leaves to go make a call on the patio.

Bella: So Jasminee are you gonna fake date him or not? Like we don't have ten chapters to wait.

Pete chuckles.

Mia: It'll only be for a couple of months too. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself, I know I would shii.

Jasminee: Mia, What is there to enjoy?

Mia pauses and gives me a death stare.

Pete: Oh damn. She looks like an Owl right now, I fuckin' hate owls.


Mia: Damn. I feel so hated right now

Pete laughs

Bella takes her apple and walks out the front door, leaving without saying a word.

Jasminee: Well damn. See you later Bella!

Mia: Back to what I was saying. If I could date the guy I liked, even if it was just for pretend and be able to see each other almost every day, make public appearances, and go on five star restaurant dates? I'd spend my whole college funds that I didn't use on that shit.

Jasminee: Mia you didn't even go to college.

Mia: ... Touché. But you get my point!

Colson walks in still on the phone, "Pete take notes. She hinting at you." He says in a loud whispering tone.

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