Let's get information

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Bella starts walking towards us, her arms open and inviting for a hug.

And in the doorway,
I see Thomas aka Tommy Barbusca.

Bella: Hey, Hello! How are you guys?

Bella comes over to me, she's in an awful happy mood.

Jasminee: Um, Bella. What a surprise.

Bella: Yeah, yeah. Today is just love, ya know? I love today.

Mia: Alrighty Casanova.

I see Mia look over at Tommy. He's just standing by himself in the doorway looking awkward.

"Tommy, come over here. You can fix this idiot's nose." She says sarcastically as she points to Petes nose.

Mia walks off and up the stairs.

Tommy: Was she being like serious or..?

Jasminee: I mean you might as well.

Thomas nods his head and walks over to Pete. He grabs my first aid and they head to the bathroom.

"Alright, I'ma um.. take a smoke break." Slim says as he walks outside. Shutting the door behind him.


Jasminee: So Bella..

Bella: Hm?

Jasminee: You and Tommy?

Bella puts her finger up to her lips. "Shh."

I squick in excitement. "You guys look so good together."

Bella smiles at me. "Yeah, I really like him."

Jasminee: Omg, why didn't you tell us?

Bella looks around the room, she turns back to me. "Can you keep a secret?"

Jasminee: Of course.

Bella take a breather before she begins speaking. "I'm happy in my relationship, and I- ..I don't want it to be complicated like yours and Mia's.. No offense."

Jasminee: Well dang.

Bella stomps and smacks her lips. "Well! I said no offense."

I roll my eyes, "I'm joking with you."

Bella: Oh.

I laugh. "But Bella you shouldn't have to feel the need to shield your relationship because of us, not all relationships are bad."

Bella: I know but-

Pete comes storming out of the bathroom. "You guys! Look. Look. Look."

He shows me and Bella his phone.

Back to the story.

I stand there feeling paralyzed.

My mind is racing.

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