away from u

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Something that we cannot escape.

Something.. I've been feeling a lot of lately.

I knew Colson wasn't in his right mind when he said those things to me, but I can't help but feel less of myself.

Like maybe I didn't mean anything to him, I was just another distraction.

I felt like he was the only one I had left.

Now I feel on my own.
He was the only one who was around when my friends and family weren't. ..And now he's gone, within the snap of my finger.

He didn't call, text, nothing.

Today I went to work to restock on supplies since it's in my department of me and the girls business.. and I came back to all of Colson's things gone.

I was so angry. I had been there for Colson when he needed financial support for him and Casie, I helped book his shows, when he got kicked out of Megan's house multiple times I let him stay with me.

And I know our relationship was mostly for the media but it felt real. He made me breakfast, gave me his opinions on my new clothing ideas, taught me how to play the guitar.

The little things he did mattered to me.

His forehead kisses, late night talks, him always trying to get me out of my shell.

But I guess nothing last forever.

As I sit in my living room, in my depressing sweats watching All American, the show I don't even like.. I hear banging at my door.

It must be someone I know because it's constant and loud banging.

"I'm comin' geez!"

I open the door and see a puppy standing in front on me, in a box.

I pick her up outta the box, "Aww, you're so cute!"

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I pick her up outta the box, "Aww, you're so cute!"

"I know right? She's incredibly...hairy."

I look up and see Mia and Bella. Mia's holding a puppy and Bella has a bag full of something.

In my time of sadness

Jasminee: What are you guys doing here?

Mia: I came here for some of your popsicles.

Bella: I don't know, Mia just insisted we came here.

Mia: Meet Smokey and Nala.

Me, Bella, and Mia fantasied about getting three dogs, one being a micro-poodle named Nala.

I was planning on being sad and mopping all day... But I can't help but have a bright smile plastered on my face.

Even though I yelled at them and said some below the line things, they still came to check up on me. ...That alone made my day.

Bella: Are you gonna invite us in or?

Jasminee: Oh yeah, sorry.

I invite them in and Bella takes her big bag and pulls out, games, snacks, and ... an easy-bake oven-?

Bella: Time to get cookin' bit-ches!!

They make airhorn noises as I continue to play with the puppies.

Jasminee: An easy-bake oven?

Bella: Um yeah. Girl Code number two hundred- and nine.. If your girl is sad, bake treats that you know you'll hate at the end.

Mia: And what better way than an easy-bake oven?

Mia and Bella High-Five.

Bella: Wait! I have to pee, don't start without me!

Jasminee: TMI Bella.

Bella: Whatever.

Bella jogs upstairs to my bathroom.

I walk over to Mia, who's sitting on my island. Nala in my arms.


Mia's tapping away on her phone, she seems to be texting someone.

Jasminee: Mia.. Where did you get these dogs from?

Mia turns towards me, placing her phone face down on the counter top.

An island counts as a counter okay? Okay.

"I have my ways." Mia says with a mastermind smirk.

Jasminee: You guys didn't have to do this. And I know it was your idea.

Mia: I know but I've left you lonely for way too long now. You don't have to tell me what happened last night but I promise to be your number one support system, always.

"Me too." Bella says as she comes from down the stairs.

"Thank you." I say with a smile on my face.

Mia: And you can keep the puppy, you're already so attached.

Bella: Yeah she hasn't let go since we got here.

Jasminee: Ugh whatever. But thanks a lot you guys, I love you so much.

Mia: Mutual feelings here.

Bella: Yeah man.

"Now let's get to bakin'" I say in a jingle

If you wanna buy The Baking Song, it's um... free on Apple music

Hours, for what seem like only minutes go by.

For the first time in a long time I spent some good one on one time with my friends.

We played video games, dressed up the puppies, and made weird trendy foods.

I guess it's better to be away from u.

I felt.. free. No worries in the world.

Like I was a teenager again.


I hear my phone vibrate.

Ugh right when I was about to win Uno.

Bella: This better be important.

Mia: I'm not even mad, Jasminee's gonna win anyway.

I go to check my phone, I pause for a moment and then look back at the girls..

"Guys... You'll never guessed who wants to meet up."

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