Mystery Crew

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I look over at her.

It was Megan.

I haven't seen her since I saw her that night. And now... seeing her again? Kinda was like a slap in my face.

She's wearing the bracelet I bought her on our last date together and her entire outfit consumes of clothing that I either bought or loved to see her wearing.

Megan catches my eye, brushing her shoulder against Jasminee as she walks pass her. Not saying a word

"Hey Everybody! Good to see youu!" Megan says with a broad smile on her face opening her arms out to give a hug.

Seeing her makes me sick. The audacity to smile in my face after what she did to me.

Bella stands up her arms out with a fake smile on her face.

"Hey there Bella!" She says waiting for her to hug her.
Bella's never liked Megan, which didn't make any sense because she is like never nice to me anyway.

Bella steps closer and slaps Megan across her left cheek. Leaving Megan's Jaw dropping.

It wasn't a gentle slap neither. You could hear it echoing throughout the hospital waiting room walls.

This just got messy

Megan: Um, why would you do that?

Casie and I try not to laugh.

Bella: Because you deserved it, Cheater. I may not be Colson's biggest fan but quite frankly I'll be your next biggest enemy.

Bella. You're my new best friend now, I don't care what she says.

Megan rubs her cheek and then fixes her hair, trying to remain her unfazed composure.

Megan: So that's what this is all about? I just came to check in on you all considering that somebody shot up your house.

She points at Jasminee, giving her a disgusting look.

Jasminee: Mm that's nice. But for one nobody needs and or wants you around anymore. And for two.. how did you know about my house gettin' shot up?

Colson: Now, she's onto something. Because nobody knew about it. It just happened not to long ago.

"It's not on social media or anything either." Bella says scrolling through her phone.

Megan stares at us in silence, she tries to speak but no words come out.

Casie: Looks like we have a mystery on our hands.

Bella and Casie fist bump.

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