"Let's go out."

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Mia's POV

Since it's only me, Jasminee, and Bella at the house we decide to get some food.


Unfortunately Bella got to choose.

So, we went and got sushi. Which is what we normally do when she picks.

Jasminee decides that she just wants to eat at home, so we follow her wishes and eat our meal on her couch while watching All American.

Jasminee: Mia, I really don't wanna watch this.

Mia: Girl I don't care. We coulda been out BUYING stuff right now but yoooouuuwuuuhhh... Wanna .. freaking .. stay home!

Bella: Mia shut the fuck up. This is about Jasminee and this is the part where they break up!

Mia: I never said it was about me.

Jasminee: .. Mia .. You know what? You're right.

Let's go out.

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