Jasminee's New Groove

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To my surprise, the rest of the interview
went pretty smooth.

We joked, laughed, and looked back on our
good memories.

"We had Pete go streaking once."

"Jasminee is the best hypewomen."

"Colson let me and Casie dye his hair once."

"We were running from security one time and Mia fell."

"Bella? She can bake the best brownies."

It was refreshing to laugh about our times together. Once we started talking there was no arguments, no awkward tension, just smiles and tranquility.

Turns out Pete's gonna have a show in The Bronx, Bella's gonna have a dance show in two weeks from now, and Mia's writing a novel.

And what was I doing?

Just working, sleeping, cooking, repeat.


I'm gonna get my groove back.

After tonight's show comes to a close they had us all ride in the same car. Which that should be fun. ...I mean I hope, the show went so good.

Me and Colson make our way to the car where Bella is already waiting, checking out her fresh white manicure.

Bella: Where's Mia and Pete?

Colson shrugs, "After we wrapped up the interview I saw them go to talk."

Jasminee: That was about ten minutes ago.

Bella: Well they need to hurry up, I'm hungry.

Mia: We're here, we're here.

Pete: Sorry, we were just talking and lost track of time.

Colson makes a questionable face at Pete. He looks bothered.

Colson: Anyway, let's go.

We all step in the car and sit in silence for about an hour till we get to my house.

Pete opens the door for us but stays back to talk to Colson.

Bella: Last time we were all here together it didn't end well.

Jasminee: I know.

Mia: Do you have apples?

Jasminee: Mia you have to eat more than just an apple.

Mia: Ugh, I know but your apples are iconic in this story!

Bella: I like the red ones.

We all just stare at Bella.

Pete & Colson: Ew Red?

Mia: Green are the better ones.

Bella rolls her eyes.

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