Car ride?

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Jasminee's POV.

I'm sitting on the ledge of the couch, roaming through my things I bought and I hear a knock at the door.

Those three, steady knocks made me almost instantly realize who it was.

Mia: Who dat isuh?


Jasminee: Mia ... english?

Bella: Tell them to go away.

I roll my eyes at Bella and go to the front door.

I open the door.

And to my surprise it's Casie.

Casie: Hi Jasminee.

Casie smiles at me, looking like she's up to something.

Jasminee: Hey Casie.

Casie hugs me tightly and then quickly skips into the kitchen and makes her way into my fridge.

Mia: Heyy Casie giiiirrrlll.

Jasminee: Casie .. how did you get here?

I look around outside a little bit and I see nobody.

Casie closes the fridge door, coming out with a popsicle. "My dad brought me."

I turn around to look at her skipping around in my living room. "Well I don't see him. Did he just like drop you off?"

I hear three footsteps, and a tall shadow hovering over me.

Pete: No idiot, I wouldn't allow it.

"Casie can't go unsupervised Jasminee. Are you crazy or something? That kid could rule the world."

Pete stands in my doorway. With a bag, chewing on some gum.

I hope he changed it from earlier, that gum was on life support.

I look over at Pete for a good second. I roll my eyes and laugh at him.

Jasminee: Give me a hug "idiot."

Pete smiles at me and gives me a hug.

Mia: What is this a reunion? wHeRE mY hUG aT?

Mia walks over to Casie and hugs her tightly.

Bella: Where's Colaleeney Petey Pete?

Jasminee: PD Officer.

Mia: Charles.


"Mia what?" I say laughing.

Mia just shakes her head.

Pete: He is actually waiting for you outside Jasminee, I came to be your extra dashingly handsome, escort.

Bella: Handsome?? Whattdiidheessaaaayy??

Me and Casie laugh.

Pete rolls his eyes. "Well I see you're already dressed up, ready to go?"

I nod my head and he gestures his hand out the front door.

Jasminee: Bye girl bosses!

Casie: Bye Jassy!

Bella: Bye girl boss, have fun with the hubby.

Mia chuckles a little. "Bella no! But make sure to have a good time, but like.. not as much of a good time that we had."

I laugh and me and Pete walk out the door, him shutting it somewhat softly behind him.

Jasminee: Where am I supposed to be headed exactly?

Pete: Hmm I don't know, there's supposed to be a car somewhe-

Before he can finish a car pulls up in my driveway, cutting him off on cue.

Pete: Well, there you go. Be safe, and if you uh need me ... I'll be not here.. but uh.. yeeeaahhh

I raise an eyebrow at Pete. He's definitely high at the moment.

Pete: Okay uh..  I'm gonna go exploring in Mia's dress if she'll allow me to. And in your fridge, I want one of those popsicles.

"And I'll probably regret saying this but I don't care, I'm high." Pete chuckles

Jasminee: I thought so.

I laugh and Pete quickly kisses me on the cheek and jogs back inside. I look at him enter inside.

Before he closes the front door, he turns towards to me and winks awkwardly with a thumb ups.

I roll my eyes and enter the car, flipping my hair on my left shoulder.

The driver doesn't say a word as we begin driving. I can only see his eyes from his driver's mirror and the back of his head.

He has his GPS pulled up, it says wherever we're headed will take an hour and 15 minutes to arrive-

What does this boy have planned?

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