Leave me in suspense.

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Jasminee's POV

The three hard knocks turn into loud constant banging, waking everybody up in the room.

Me and Bella rush downstairs to the door leaving Mia and Casie in the room.

I open the door to see Colson and Pete

Colson is trying his best to hold up Pete who looks like an emotional reck, more than usual that is.

Colson: Hey. Can you .. like help me.. he's pretty heavy.

Me and Bella pitch in to help drag Pete onto the couch.


Pete flops onto the couch mumbling words that nobody can understand.

Jasminee: What's his deal? Like is he okay?

Colson: I found him at a bar and we like kinda made a whole scene so I don't really know.

Bella: Oh.. Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep, Night.

Colson: Later

Bella quickly rushes up the stairs. Thus, leaving me and Colson on babysitting duty.

Jasminee: I feel like this is gonna be a long night.

Colson walks to the fridge and starts searching, he grabs out a bottle of Vodka.

Jasminee: Are you serious right now?

Colson: What? Today has been rough.

Jasminee: Yeah no kidding.

I look over at Pete. He's got his eyes closed but I can tell that he's not sleeping, his body takes over most of the couch.

I sit next to Pete, stroking his hair softy. "I kinda feel bad for you."

Pete: Yeah.. Me too.

Jasminee: Sit up.

Pete: You sit up.

Jasminee: I am sitting up.

Pete: Ohhhkaaaayyyy??

I smack his head, "Sit yo ass up slenderman."

Colson laughs. Walking over with a water bottle and two glasses of alcohol.

"Here dude." Colson hands Pete the water, Pete gives him a small smirk. Colson sits next to me holding his drink.

I look over at Pete

Jasminee: So spill the tea.

Pete finishes sipping his water and clears his throat. "I don't think anybody says that anymore."

Jasminee: I don't care. Tell me what's up.

Colson: Yeah... I am also.. somewhat interested on why I had to spend like an hour and a half searching for you.

Pete: Oh yeah, sorry about that. Shoulda like told you where I was going.

Pete pauses for a moment. Staring into space.

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